BIBPARSE 1 "08 May 1999" "Version 1.04"

Table of contents


bibparse - verify a bibclean or biblex lexical token stream, or BibTeX files


bibparse [ -d ] <infile
bibparse [ -d ] file1 file2 file3 ...


Compilation of a computer language is traditionally divided into three steps: bibparse takes a lexical token stream from bibclean(1) or from biblex(1), or BibTeX files directly, and verifies their conformance to a proposed grammar for BibTeX, published in the articles
Nelson H. F. Beebe, Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking, TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207) 14(3) 222, October 1993, and TUGboat 14(4) 395--419, December 1993.
The text of the latter is included with the bibclean(1) distribution.

The only output normally produced by bibparse is on the standard error unit, stderr, and then only if grammatical errors are detected. Silent execution means a successful parse.

The program exit code is zero on a successful parse, and non-zero otherwise.

For example, you can syntax check a bibliography collection by any of these three UNIX pipelines:

bibclean -no-prettyprint *.bib | bibparse
biblex *.bib | bibparse
bibparse *.bib
bibparse distinguishes between lexical token streams and BibTeX files by examination of the first character of each input file: if it is a sharp sign, `#', then it is assumed to be the start of a line-number directive in a lexical token stream. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a BibTeX file. bibparse then selects one of two internal lexical analyzers: a simple one that reads a lexical token stream from a file, or the complex one from biblex(1) linked into the bibparse executable.


Write debug output to the standard output stream, stdout. This output is extremely verbose: it includes a record of each lexical token found, and how it is parsed according to the BibTeX grammar.

If you are puzzled by an error message reported by bibparse, you are advised to extract the BibTeX entry at, and possibly, immediately preceding, the line number in the diagnostic, then save that data in a temporary file and run bibparse -d on that small file, so as not to be overwhelmed by the output.


Here is a slightly-reformatted listing of the BibTeX grammar, defined in detail in the articles cited above, and taken directly from the bibparse source code, which is transformed by a parser generator like UNIX yacc(1), or GNU bison(1), into a C-language program which can then be compiled by either C or C++ compilers, and then linked to produce the bibparse executable program.

The tokens, also called terminals in a grammar, that are recognized by bibclean(1) and biblex(1) are spelled in UPPERCASE letters.

Nonterminals, which are intermediate stages in the grammar processing, are spelled in lowercase letters. Each nonterminal referred to in the grammar eventually defines a grammar rule, which takes the form of a nonterminal, a colon, and one or more alternative expansions, separated by a vertical bar.

Interspersed in the rule expansions are braced actions which are to be invoked when the input token stream matches that rule. Here, they are simply calls to a function RECOGNIZE() which, when debug output is requested, prints its argument, followed by a newline, and then returns silently.

Internally, the parser does not deal with character strings at all: both terminals and nonterminals are simply small integer values that it manipulates on stacks using highly-efficient pattern matching to determine whether they match grammar rules.

The first three lines of the grammar below define the precedence of four tokens, so as to disambiguate cases where two rules would match the current token sequence.

The first rule, also called the start symbol, says that a file is either optional space, or an object_list optionally preceded and followed by space. Thus, an empty file, or one consisting only of space, is a valid BibTeX file.

The remaining rules are read similarly.

Most programming language grammars omit specification of rules for comments and spacing, assuming merely that they are permitted anywhere between tokens; this assumption simplifies the grammar significantly.

However, grammars for prettyprinters need to include rules for spacing because there may be circumstances where such spacing is significant for program layout and human readers. Space information is also required by unlexers, like bibunlex(1), which take a possibly-modified lexical token stream, and reconstruct a source program from it. Thus, this grammar includes precise rules for where spaces are permitted.

\s-1%nonassoc EQUALS
%left SHARP

file:             opt_space                       {RECOGNIZE("file-1");}
                | opt_space object_list opt_space {RECOGNIZE("file-2");}

object_list:      object                          {RECOGNIZE("object-1");}
                | object_list opt_space object    {RECOGNIZE("object-2");}

object:           AT opt_space at_object          {RECOGNIZE("object");}

at_object:        comment                         {RECOGNIZE("comment");}
                | entry                           {RECOGNIZE("entry");}
                | include                         {RECOGNIZE("include");}
                | preamble                        {RECOGNIZE("preamble");}
                | string                          {RECOGNIZE("string");}
                | error RBRACE                    {RECOGNIZE("error");}

comment:          COMMENT opt_space LITERAL       {RECOGNIZE("comment");}

entry:            entry_head assignment_list
                        RBRACE                    {RECOGNIZE("entry-1");}
                | entry_head assignment_list
                        COMMA opt_space RBRACE    {RECOGNIZE("entry-2");}
                | entry_head RBRACE               {RECOGNIZE("entry-3");}

entry_head:       ENTRY opt_space
                        LBRACE opt_space
                        key_name opt_space
                        COMMA opt_space           {RECOGNIZE("entry_head");}

key_name:         KEY                             {RECOGNIZE("key_name-1");}
                | ABBREV                          {RECOGNIZE("key_name-2");}

include:          INCLUDE opt_space LITERAL       {RECOGNIZE("include");}

preamble:         PREAMBLE opt_space
                        LBRACE opt_space
                        value opt_space
                        RBRACE                    {RECOGNIZE("preamble");}

string:           STRING opt_space
                        LBRACE opt_space
                        opt_space RBRACE          {RECOGNIZE("string");}

value:            simple_value                    {RECOGNIZE("value-1");}
                | value opt_space                 {RECOGNIZE("value-1-1");}
                        SHARP                     {RECOGNIZE("value-1-2");}
                        opt_space simple_value    {RECOGNIZE("value-2");}

simple_value:     VALUE                           {RECOGNIZE("simple_value-1");}
                | ABBREV                          {RECOGNIZE("simple_value-2");}

assignment_list:  assignment                      {RECOGNIZE("single assignment");}
                | assignment_list COMMA opt_space
                        assignment                {RECOGNIZE("assignment-list");}

assignment:       assignment_lhs opt_space
                        EQUALS opt_space          {RECOGNIZE("assignment-0");}
                        value opt_space           {RECOGNIZE("assignment");}

assignment_lhs:   FIELD                           {RECOGNIZE("assignment_lhs-1");}
                | ABBREV                          {RECOGNIZE("assignment_lhs-2");}

opt_space:      /* empty */                       {RECOGNIZE("opt_space-1");}
                | space                           {RECOGNIZE("opt_space-2");}

space:            single_space                    {RECOGNIZE("single space");}
                | space single_space              {RECOGNIZE("multiple spaces");}

single_space:     SPACE
                | INLINE
                | NEWLINE


As a demonstration of the efficiency of parsing, tests were carried out on a Sun 336MHz UltraSPARC system, with all programs compiled at the highest optimization level, and present in the current directory, using a 4MB test file (the largest from the TeX User Group bibliography archive) present in the memory-mapped /tmp directory for fast access. The tests were run ten times inside a shell script to amortize the script startup time, and the total wall-clock time (from the UNIX time(1) command) for each script's execution was then divided by ten to produce these results:

Program pipeline Time Relative
bibclean -no-prettyprint -no-warnings | bibparse 3.786s 3.67
bibtex 3.313s 3.21
biblex | bibparse 2.403s 2.33
bibparse 1.030s 1.00

The BibTeX run used the TeX \nocite{*} command to generate citations in the is-alpha style of every entry in the bibliography.

The addition of support in bibparse version 1.04 for direct processing of BibTeX files via an internal copy of the biblex(1) lexical analyzer has thus produced a 2.3-times speedup over previous versions that required biblex(1), and at data rates of 4MB/s, the programs are fast enough on 1999-vintage desktop computers to require only a small fraction of a second to process a typical BibTeX bibliography, so they can be used routinely to validate such files.


bibcheck(1), bibclean(1), bibdup(1), bibextract(1), bibjoin(1), biblabel(1), biblex(1), biborder(1), bibsearch(1), bibsort(1), bibtex(1), bibunlex(1), citefind(1), citesub(1), citetags(1), latex(1), scribe(1), tex(1).


Nelson H. F. Beebe
Center for Scientific Computing
University of Utah
Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC
155 S 1400 E RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet)
Telephone: +1 801 581 5254
FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148