divert(-1) libcct.m4 * Circuit_macros Version 10.7, copyright (c) 2024 J. D. Aplevich under * * the LaTeX Project Public Licence in file Licence.txt. The files of * * this distribution may be redistributed or modified provided that this * * copyright notice is included and provided that modifications are clearly * * marked to distinguish them from this distribution. There is no warranty * * whatsoever for these files. * define(`libcct_') ifdef(`libgen_',,`include(libgen.m4)divert(-1)') `============================================================================== HINTS: THE ARGUMENTS of circuit elements are optional; if omitted, default values are assumed. TWO-TERMINAL ELEMENTS are constructed as follows, with variations: # Draw the initial invisible line (default length rp_len), and set the # direction cosines: eleminit_(`$1') # Element body height and width define(`m4v',...)define(`m4h',...) # Visible lines: { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) (element body lines) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) } # The invisible body block: {[box invis ht_ m4v wid_ m4h ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} # Some elements omit this block but draw the visible lines within a block. # The final invisible line: line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis A side effect of the eleminit_ macro is to change the current drawing angle. NON-TWO-TERMINAL ELEMENTS are usually constructed within a block: set dimension parameters [ set size and direction from the initial linespec argument set orientation draw internal elements define internal locations ] If there is a linespec argument, it determines orientation but not the placement of the element, since [] blocks are placed as if they were boxes. ============================================================================== DEBUGGING: The statement print "`$0'($@)" ; inserted into a macro will display the macro name and current arguments provided the arguments do not contain double quotes. The line `# $0'($@) will write a comment containing the same information into the .pic output. Similarly, the m4 macro m4msg( text ) will display the text during m4 processing. ============================================================================== CUSTOMIZATIONS: The non-two-terminal circuit elements enclosed in [] blocks allow a final argument not shown in the argument list. The last argument is expanded just before exit from the [] block to allow custom additions to the elements. Subcomponents of a circuit element are drawn selectively according to a "dna_" string and a sequence of calls to sc_draw(`dna_',arg2,arg3,arg4). If the second argument of sc_draw is a substring of the first, it is deleted from the first and the third argument is expanded, otherwise the fourth argument (which may be null) is expanded. ============================================================================== This file redefines default arrow dimensions and the dotrad_ macro. ==============================================================================' `capacitor( linespec,chars,R,height,wid ) Arg2 chars: [d]F or blank: flat plates; d=hatched fill [d]C = polarized, curved plate; d=variable CP = constant phase E = polarized rectangular plates K = filled rectangular plates M = rectangular plates N = one rectangular plate P = alternate polarized + = polarity sign to right of drawing dir +L =polarity sign to left arg3 = R: reversed orientation arg4 = height (defaults F: dimen_/3; C,P: dimen_/4; E,K: dimen_/5) arg5 = wid (defaults F: height*0.3; C,P: height*0.4; E,K: height) ' define(`capacitor', `ifelse(`$3',R,`reversed(`capacitor',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`dna_',`ifelse(`$2',,F,`$2')')dnl { sc_draw(`dna_',F, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/3',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.3',`($5)')')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} ifelse(m4a,d,`for_(1,3,1,{line from rvec_(0,m4cwd*(m4x-5/2)) \ to rvec_(m4cwd,m4cwd*(m4x-3/2))})') move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',CP, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/3',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.8',`($5)')')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2,0) {line from rvec_(-m4cwd/2,m4cht/2) to Here \ then to rvec_(-m4cwd/2,-m4cht/2) } {line from rvec_(0,m4cht/2) to rvec_(m4cwd/2,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) } line from rvec_(m4cwd/2,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',C, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/4',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.4',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cr',`dimen_*0.25')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4cht/2)} {arc cw ifelse(m4a,d,-> wid lthick*4 ht lthick*5) \ from rvec_(m4cwd,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(m4cwd,m4cht/2) \ with .c at rvec_(m4cwd+sqrt((m4cr)^2-(m4cht/2)^2),0) } line from last arc.c+vec_(-m4cr,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',P, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/4',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*0.4',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cr',`dimen_*0.25')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {line from rvec_(m4cwd,-m4cht/2) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) \ then to rvec_(0,m4cht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4cwd,m4cht/2) } {line from rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,-m4cht*3/8) \ to rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,m4cht*3/8)} line from rvec_(m4cwd*2/3,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',E, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) m4linethicktemp = linethick; thinlines_ { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(-m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(-m4cs,m4cht))')} linethick_(m4linethicktemp) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',M, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) m4linethicktemp = linethick; thinlines_ { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) { lbox(-m4cs,m4cht) } linethick_(m4linethicktemp) line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',K, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4cs,m4cht))')} move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {ifsvg(`lbox(-m4cs,m4cht,fill_(0))',`m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(-m4cs,m4cht))')} line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',N, `define(`m4cht',`ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)')')dnl define(`m4cwd',`ifelse(`$5',,`m4cht*2/3',`($5)')')dnl define(`m4cs',`(m4cwd/3.2*3/2)')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) { lbox(m4cs,m4cht) } move to rvec_(m4cwd,0) {line from rvec_(0,m4cht/2) to rvec_(0,-m4cht/2) } line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) ') } ifinstr(`$2',+L, `{ move to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2-m4cht/3,m4cht/3) {line thick 0.5 from rvec_(m4cht/6,0) \ to rvec_(-m4cht/6,0)} line thick 0.5 from rvec_(0,m4cht/6) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/6)}', `$2',+, `{ move to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2-m4cht/3,-m4cht/3) {line thick 0.5 from rvec_(m4cht/6,0) \ to rvec_(-m4cht/6,0)} line thick 0.5 from rvec_(0,m4cht/6) \ to rvec_(0,-m4cht/6)}') {[box invis ht_ m4cht wid_ m4cwd ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `resistor( linespec, cycles, chars, cycle wid ) chars: AC: complex element E: ebox ES: ebox with slash F: FDNR (freq-dependent neg resistor) Q: offset H: squared N: IEEE (default) B: not burnable V: varistor variant R: to right of drawing direction' define(`resistor', `eleminit_(`$1'); M4S: last line.start; M4E: last line.end define(`m4type',ifelse(`$3',,N,`$3',R,N,`$3')`')dnl define(`m4neg',sc_draw(`m4type',R,-))dnl define(`m4cycles',`ifelse(`$2',,3,(`$2'))')dnl define(`m4cyclewid',`ifelse(`$4',,(dimen_/6),`($4)')')dnl define(`m4lgth',`(m4cycles*m4cyclewid)')dnl ifelse( `$2',E, # This is obsolete but kept for now `ebox(`$1',shift(shift($@)))', m4type,N, `define(`m4nN',`eval(2*m4cycles)')dnl Default resistor: define(`m4v',2)dnl if m4lgth > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4lgth,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4cyclewid/4, m4neg)dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nN,0)\ for_(2,m4nN,2, `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-3-m4nN), m4v) \ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-1-m4nN),-m4v) \')dnl then to tr_xy(m4nN, 0) \ then to last line.end # This could be replaced for obtuse directions: [box invis ht_ m4cyclewid*m4v/2 wid_ m4cyclewid*m4nN/2] at 2nd last line.c }', m4type,Q, `define(`m4nQ',`eval(2*m4cycles)') define(`m4v',2)dnl if m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4cyclewid/4, m4neg)dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nQ,0)\ for_(2,m4nQ,2, `then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-2-m4nQ), m4v*2) \ then to tr_xy(eval(2*m4x-m4nQ),0) \')dnl then to tr_xy(m4nQ, 0) \ then to last line.end [box invis ht_ m4cyclewid*m4v/2 wid_ m4cyclewid*m4nQ/2] \ at 2nd last line.c + ta_xy(0,m4v) }', m4type,ES, `ebox(`$1',m4lgth,dimen_/5) {line from last line.c+vec_( dimen_/2*0.3, dimen_/5/2) \ to last line.c+vec_(-dimen_/2*0.3,-dimen_/5/2)}', m4type,F, `define(`m4cht',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cwd',`m4cht*0.9')dnl {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4cwd/2,0) {[for i=0 to m4cycles do {line from vec_(i*m4cwd/m4cycles,0) \ to vec_(i*m4cwd/m4cycles,m4cht)}] at rvec_(m4cwd/2,0)} line from rvec_(m4cwd,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4cwd/2,0)}', m4type,H, `define(`m4nH',`eval(2*m4cycles-1)')dnl define(`m4hh',`m4cyclewid*6/5/4') define(`m4v',7/3)dnl if m4hh*m4nH/2 > rp_len then { eleminit_(to rvec_(m4hh*m4nH/2,0)) } tr_xy_init(last line.c, m4hh, m4neg)dnl { line from last line.start to tr_xy(-m4nH,0)\ for_(-m4nH,m4nH,2, `ifelse(eval(((m4x+m4nH)/2)%2),0, `then to tr_xy(m4x,m4v) \ then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),m4v) \', `then to tr_xy(m4x,0) \ ifelse(m4x,m4nH,,`then to tr_xy(eval(m4x+2),0)')\')')dnl then to last line.end [move from tr_xy(-m4nH,0) to tr_xy(m4nH,0) \ then to tr_xy(m4nH,m4v) then to tr_xy(-m4nH,m4v)] \ at 2nd last line.c+vec_(0,m4neg`'m4hh*m4v/2) }', m4type,V, `define(`m4ht',`(m4lgth/2)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0) {[m4fshade(m4fill,line to rvec_(0,ifinstr(`$3',R,,-)m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4lgth,ifinstr(`$3',R,-)m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4lgth,0) then to Here)] at rvec_(m4lgth/2,0) } line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2+m4lgth/2),0) } ', m4type,B, `resistor(`$1',`$2',sc_draw(`m4type',B),`$4'); M4LBC: last line.c m4lbwd = last [].wid_+lthick*2; m4lbht = last [].ht_+lthick*2 [lbox(m4lbwd,m4lbht,thick 0.4)] with .c at M4LBC [lbox(m4lbwd+lthick*4,m4lbht+lthick*4,thick linethick/2)] with .c at M4LBC', m4type,AC, `ebox(`$1') { ACsymbol(at last [],m4cyclewid*3.5/4,m4cyclewid/2,R) [] wid 2nd last [].wid ht 2nd last [].ht at 2nd last [] } ') ifelse(m4type,E,`ebox(`$1')', `line invis from M4S to M4E') ') `potentiometer(linespec, cycles, fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) Resistor in a block, tapped at fractional positions with specified (possibly negative) arrow lengths. Taps are labelled T1, T2, ...' define(`potentiometer',`[R: resistor(`$1',`$2') define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,3,(`$2'))')dnl Start: R.start; End: R.end; C: R.c m4pot_arrows(1,ifelse(`$3',,0.5,`$3'),ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_*5/12',`$4'), shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))] ') define(`m4pot_arrows',`ifelse(`$2',,,`FrP: C+vec_((`$2'-0.5)*m4n*dimen_/6,0) T`$1': FrP + vec_(0,ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*5/12',`$3')) x = (`$2')*4*m4n+1; x = (int(x)%4)+(x-int(x)) {arrow from T`$1' to FrP+vec_(0,dimen_/12*(1-(x-2)*sign(x-2)))} m4pot_arrows(incr($1),shift(shift(shift($@))))')') `KelvinR(cycles,[R],cycle wid) IEEE resistor with kelvin taps added if arg1 is blank then a [] block is used Uses m4nN and tr_xy from resistor' define(`KelvinR',`[ M4R: resistor(,`$1',,`$3') define(`m4KRm',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-,+)') { dot(at tr_xy(-m4nN,0),lthick) line to tr_xy(-m4nN-1,m4KRm`'2) then to tr_xy(-m4nN-1,m4KRm`'4) T1: Here dot(at tr_xy(m4nN,0),lthick) line to tr_xy(m4nN+1,m4KRm`'2) then to tr_xy(m4nN+1,m4KRm`'4) T2: Here } Start: M4R.start; End: M4R.end; C: M4R.c `$4' ]') ') `FTcap(chars) Feed-through capacitor; composite element derived from a two-terminal element. Defined points: .Start, .End, .C chars: A|B|C|D element type' define(`FTcap',`[ define(`FTctyp',`ifelse(`$1',,A,`$1')')dnl ifelse(FTctyp,A, `capacitor(to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0)) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c Conductor: line from C+vec_(0,dimen_/3) to C+vec_(0,-dimen_/3) T1: last line.start; T2: last line.end', FTctyp,B, `capacitor(to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0),C) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c r = last arc.rad-hlth T1: (0.5 between 2nd line.end and last arc.c-vec_(r,0)) + vec_(0,dimen_/3) T2: T1+(0,-dimen_*2/3) Conductor: line from T1 to T2', FTctyp,C, `line to vec_(dimen_*2/3,0) Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c rp_a = rp_ang capacitor(from C to C-vec_(0,dimen_/10),C) point_(rp_a) line from last line.end to last line.end-vec_(0,dimen_/3) T: Here', FTctyp,D, `Start: Here capacitor(to rvec_(dimen_/3,0),C) C: Here { line to rvec_(0,-dimen_/3); T: Here } End: rvec_(dimen_/3,0) rp_a = rp_ang capacitor(from End to Here,C) point_(rp_a)') `$2' ]') `addtaps([ahead | type=ahead;name=Name], fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) ahead = blank or one of . - <- -> <-> Tap names are Tap1, Tap2, ... or Name1, Name2, ... if specified' define(`addtaps',` ifelse(`$2',,`undefine(`m4tap_x')popdef(`m4type',`m4name')', `ifdef(`m4tap_x',`define(`m4tap_x',incr(m4tap_x))', `define(`m4tap_x',1) dnl 1st time through M4tap_w: last [].w_; M4tap_e: last [].e_ pushkeys_(`$1',type::N; name:Tap:N)dnl ifelse(m4type,,`ifinstr(`$1',=,,`poppushdef(`m4type',`$1')')')dnl M4tap_xy: (last [].wid_,last [].ht_)') {define(`m4tapl',`ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/3',`$3')')dnl move to (`$2' between M4tap_w and M4tap_e) + vec_(0,sign(m4tapl)*M4tap_xy.y/2) ifinstr(m4type,.,`{dot(,lthick)}');dnl line ifelse(m4type,.,,m4type,-,,m4type) to rvec_(0,m4tapl) m4name`'m4tap_x: Here } addtaps(,shift(shift(shift($@))))')') `tapped(`two-terminal element', . | <- | -> | <-> , fractional pos, length, fractional pos, length,...) Draw the two-terminal element and taps in a [] block' define(`tapped',`[ $1 Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c addtaps(shift($@)) ]') `shielded(`two-terminal element',L|U, line attributes ) L= shield left half (wrt drawing direction) R= shield right half (default both halves)' define(`shielded',`[ $1 Start: last line.start; End: last line.end; C: last line.c W: last line.c - vec_(last [].wid_/2+dimen_/8,0) E: last line.c + vec_(last [].wid_/2+dimen_/8,0) NW: last [].nw_ + vec_(-dimen_/8,dimen_/8) NE: last [].ne_ + vec_(dimen_/8,dimen_/8) SE: last [].se_ + vec_(dimen_/8,-dimen_/8) SW: last [].sw_ + vec_(-dimen_/8,-dimen_/8) ifinstr(`$2',L,`line from W to NW then to NE then to E dashed `$3'', `$2',R,`line from W to SW then to SE then to E dashed `$3'', `line from W to NW then to NE then to SE then to SW then to W dashed `$3'') `$4']') `b_current( label, above_|below_, O[ut], S[tart]|E[nd], frac ) Branch current for last-drawn element. The arrowhead is drawn frac (default 2/3) of the way between the line end and element body.' define(`b_current', `define(`m4y',`ifelse(`$5',,2/3,`($5)')')dnl define(`m4v',`ifinstr(`$4',E, `ifinstr(`$3',O,-)',`ifinstr(`$3',O,,-)')arrowht')dnl define(`m4h',`(rp_len-last [].wid_)/2') { move to last line.start+vec_(ifinstr(`$4',E,`rp_len-')dnl ifinstr(`$3',O,`(m4h-arrowht)*m4y',`(m4h*m4y+arrowht/3)'),0) arrow <- m4c_l to rvec_(m4v,0) ifelse(`$1',,, `m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',`$1')'sp_") \ ifelse(`$2',,`above_',`$2')')}') `larrow( label, <-, separation ) Arrow alongside the left of the last-drawn element' define(`larrow',`define(`m4h',`min(lin_leng(last line),linewid)/2')dnl define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$3',,`5pt__',`($3)')')dnl {arrow `$2' from last [].n_+vec_(-m4h,m4v) \ to last [].n_+vec_(m4h,m4v) \ m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')'sp_") above_}') `rarrow( label, <-, separation ) Arrow alongside the right of the last-drawn element' define(`rarrow',`define(`m4h',`min(lin_leng(last line),linewid)/2')dnl define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$3',,`5pt__',`($3)')')dnl {arrow `$2' from last [].s_+vec_(-m4h,-m4v) \ to last [].s_+vec_(m4h,-m4v) \ m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')'sp_") below_}') `inductor( linespec, W|L, cycles, M|P|K[n], loop wid ) W=wide arcs (default narrow); L=looped arcs arg3= integer (number of loops) arg4= M[n]=metal core P[n]=(ferrite) powder core (dashed lines) K[n]=long-dashed core lines n=integer (default 2 lines) arg5 loop wid defaults W,L: dimen_/5, other: dimen_/8' define(`inductor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4hlw',`ifelse(`$5',,`dimen_/10',`($5)/2')')dnl half loop wid define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$3',,4,`$3')')dnl ifelse(`$2',W, `define(`m4wd',((2*m4n-2)*m4c2t+2*m4ct)*m4hlw)', `$2',L, `define(`m4wd',(m4n+1)*m4hlw)', `define(`m4ht',`ifelse(`$5',,`dimen_/16',(`$5')/2)')dnl half other loop wid define(`m4wd',m4n*m4ht*2)')dnl { line to rvec_((rp_len-m4wd)/2,0) {M4coil: [ S: Here; ifelse(`$2',W,`define(`m4ht',`(1+m4st)*m4hlw')dnl define(`m4dp',`(m4s2t-m4st)*m4hlw') round arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct+m4c2t,m4st-m4s2t)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct,m4st)); round for m4i=3 to m4n do { arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,2*m4c2t,0)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4c2t,m4s2t)); round } arc cw from Here to rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4ct+m4c2t,m4s2t-m4st)) \ with .c at rvec_(vscal_(m4hlw,m4c2t,m4s2t)); round ', `$2',L,`define(`m4ht',`m4hlw*10/8')define(`m4dp',`m4hlw/2')dnl round; spline ifdpic(0.55) to rvec_(0,m4ht) \ for_(1,m4n,1,`\ then to rvec_((m4x+0.3)*m4hlw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_((m4x+0.3)*m4hlw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_((m4x-0.3)*m4hlw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_((m4x-0.3)*m4hlw, m4ht) \')\ then to rvec_(m4wd,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,0); round ', `define(`m4dp',0)dnl ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpgf(T)`'ifsvg(T),T, `define(`m4y')',`undefine(`m4y')')dnl ifdef(`m4y',`{line to rvec_(0,-hlth)};') for m4i=1 to m4n do { arc cw from Here to rvec_(m4ht*2,0) with .c at rvec_(m4ht,0) ifdef(`m4y',`{line to rvec_(0,-hlth)}') } ') ] with .S at Here } ifelse(ifinstr(`$4',M,T,`$4',P,T,`$4',K,T),T, `define(`m4nL',ifelse(len(`$4'),1,2,substr(`$4',1)))dnl define(`m4hs',`(dimen_/24+(m4nL-1)*dimen_/16)')dnl { m4m_core(M4coil.S+vec_(m4wd/2,0), m4wd, m4ht+dimen_/24, dimen_/16, ifinstr( `$4',P,`dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1)', `$4',K,`dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1)*3'), m4nL) [ box invis wid M4coil.wid ht M4coil.ht at M4coil M: move from M4Core`'m4nL.start to M4Core`'m4nL.end ] \ with .M.c at M4Core`'m4nL.c }') line from rvec_(m4wd,0) to rvec_((rp_len+m4wd)/2,0) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `m4m_core(bottom center, length, ht offset, separation, linetype, nlines) nlines=lines for the metal core' define(`m4m_core',`for_(1,`$6',1,`{M4Core`'m4x: line \ from `$1'+vec_(-(`$2')/2,`$3'+(`$4')*(m4x-1)) \ to `$1'+vec_( (`$2')/2,`$3'+(`$4')*(m4x-1)) `$5''})') define(`m4ct',`Cos(25)')define(`m4st',`Sin(25)') define(`m4c2t',`Cos(50)')define(`m4s2t',`Sin(50)') `transformer( linespec, L|R, np, [A|M[n]|P[n]|K[n]][W|L][D1|D2|D12|D21], ns ) 2-winding transformer or choke: np = number of primary arcs ns = number of secondary arcs A = air core; M[n] = metal core (default); n=number of lines P[n] = powder (dashed) core K[n] = long dashed core W = wide windings; L = looped windings D1: phase dots at P1 and S1 ends; D2: dots at P2 and S2 ends; D12: dots at P1 and S2 ends; D21: dots at P2 and S1 ends' define(`transformer', `[ P1: Here define(`m4drt',m4_dir_) define(`m4WL',`ifinstr(`$4',W,W,`$4',L,L)')dnl define(`m4np',`ifelse(`$3',,4,(`$3'))')dnl define(`m4ns',`ifelse(`$5',,4,(`$5'))')dnl ifelse(`$1',,`mvw = max(\ ifelse(m4WL,W,`dimen_/5*((m4np-1)*m4c2t+m4ct)',`m4np*dimen_/8'),dimen_*2/3) move to P1+vec_(mvw,0)', move `$1' ) P2: Here TP: 0.5 between P1 and P2 L1: inductor(from ifelse(`$2',R,`P2 to P1',`P1 to P2'),m4WL,`$3') define(`m4WP',m4wd)dnl define(`m4t',`ifelse(m4WL,W,((2*m4ns-2)*m4c2t+2)*m4hlw,m4WL,L,(m4ns+1)*m4hlw, m4ns*m4ht*2)')dnl ifinstr(`$4',A, `move to last line.c+vec_(0,m4ht*ifelse(m4WL,W,3,m4WL,L,3,4))', `define(`m4LL',`regexp(`$4',[MPK]\([0-9][0-9]*\),\1)')dnl define(`m4nL',`ifelse(m4LL,,2,m4LL)')dnl m4m_core(rvec_(-(rp_len/2),0), max(m4wd,m4t), m4ht+dimen_/12, dimen_/8, ifinstr( `$4',P,`dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1)', `$4',K,`dashed m4wd/(2*m4n+1)*3'), m4nL) move to last line.c+vec_(0,m4ht+dimen_/12) ') TS: Here S2: rvec_( ifelse(`$2',R,-)(ifelse(`$5',,rp_len/2,m4t/2)), 0 ) S1: 2 between S2 and Here L2: inductor(from ifelse(`$2',R,`S1 to S2',`S2 to S1'),m4WL,`$5') rpoint_(from P1 to P2) define(`m4WS',m4wd) ifinstr(`$4',D1, `m4trdot(P1,P2,-,m4WP,ifelse(`$2',R,-),D1:) ifinstr(`$4',D12,`m4trdot(S1,S2, ,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)', `m4trdot(S1,S2,-,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)')', `$4',D2, `m4trdot(P1,P2,,m4WP,ifelse(`$2',R,-),D1:) ifinstr(`$4',D21,`m4trdot(S1,S2,-,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)', `m4trdot(S1,S2, ,m4WS,ifelse(`$2',R,,-),D2:)')') m4xpand(m4drt`'_) `$6' ]') define(`m4trdot',`{`$6'dot(at (0.5 between `$1' and `$2') \ +vec_(`$3'(`$4'+m4hlw)/2,`$5'dimen_/16), dotrad_/2)}') `delay( linespec, width, attributes or keys ) keys: wdth=expr; lgth=expr; type=A|S; body=attributes; e.g. shaded ' define(`delay',`eleminit_(`$1') pushkeys_(`$3',`wdth:ifelse(`$2',,delay_rad_*2,`$2'); lgth:m4`'wdth*5/6; type:A:N; body::N;') dnl ifinstr(`$3',=,,`ifelse(m4body,,`poppushdef(`m4body',`$3')')')dnl ifelse(m4type,S,`popdef(`m4lgth',`m4wdth')dnl pushkeys_(`$3',`lgth:dimen_*6/5; wdth:m4`'lgth/4')')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4lgth/2,0) {ifelse(m4type,A,`[ W: Here line from rvec_(m4wdth/3,-m4wdth/2) to rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) \ then to rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) then to rvec_(m4wdth/3,m4wdth/2) m4body arc cw to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) with .c at rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) m4body ]', m4type,S, `rotbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4body,r=m4wdth/2, {rotbox(m4wdth/4,m4wdth,) with .W at rvec_(-m4lgth+m4wdth/2,0)})')\ with .W at Here } line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4lgth/2,0) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis dnl popdef(`m4wd',`m4wdth',`m4type',`m4body') ') `xtal( linespec, keys ) (2-terminal crystal) keys: type=N (default) or R (round); type N keys: lgth=expr; (body length) wdth=expr; (body width) bxwd=expr; (body inner box width) box= box attributes; (shaded ...) type R keys: outerdiam=expr; innerdiam=expr; outer= outer circle attributes; (dotted ...) inner= inner circle attributes; (shaded ...)' define(`xtal',`eleminit_(`$1') pushkey_(`$2',type,N,N) ifelse(m4type,R,`pushkeys_(`$2',`outerdia:dimen_/3;innerdia:m4`'outerdia*0.4; outer::N; inner::N;') define(`m4wd',m4outerdia) ', `pushkeys_(`$2',`wdth:dimen_/4; lgth:m4wdth*2/3; bxwd:m4lgth/2; box::N;')dnl define(`m4wd',m4lgth) ') { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) {[ Orig: Here; ifelse(m4type,R, `{circle diam m4outerdia at rvec_(m4outerdia/2,0) m4outer} {circle diam m4innerdia at rvec_(m4outerdia/2,0) m4inner} popdef(`m4type',`m4outerdia',`m4innerdia',`m4outer',`m4inner') ', `{line from rvec_(0,-m4wdth/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4wdth/3)} { move to rvec_(m4lgth/2-m4bxwd/2,0) line to rvec_(0,m4wdth/2) \ then to rvec_(m4bxwd,m4wdth/2) \ then to rvec_(m4bxwd,-m4wdth/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) \ then to Here m4box } move to rvec_(m4lgth,0) {line from rvec_(0,-m4wdth/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4wdth/3)} popdef(`m4type',`m4wdth',`m4lgth',`m4bxwd',`m4box')') ] with .Orig at Here} line from rvec_(m4wd,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4wd/2,0) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `source( linespec,V|v|tv|I|i|ti|ii|AC|B|F|G|H|Q|L|N| P|R|S[C[r]|E[r]]]|T|X|U|other, diameter, R, attributes, body name) V = voltage source; v = alternate voltage source; tv = truncated-bar alternate voltage source; tv = truncated bar alternate voltage source; i = alternate current source; ti = truncated-bar alternate current source; I = current source; ii = double arrowhead current source; AC = AC source; B = bulb; F = fluorescent; G = generator; H = step function; L = lamp; N = neon; NA = neon 2; NB = neon 3; P = pulse; Q = charge; R = ramp; r = right orientation; S = sinusoid; SC = quarter arc; SE = arc; T = triangle; U = square-wave; X = interior X; other = custom interior label or waveform; arg 4: R = reversed polarity; arg 5 modifies the circle with e.g., color or fill arg 6 names the body [] block' define(`source',`ifelse(`$4',R, `reversed(`source',`$1',`$2',`$3',,shift(shift(shift(shift($@)))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4h',ifelse(`$3',,`sourcerad_',`($3)/2'))dnl ifelse( `$2',G,`m4_sourceGQ(`$6',$@)', `$2',Q,`m4_sourceGQ(`$6',$@)', `{ line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h,0) move to rvec_(m4h,0) { Src_C: circle rad m4h `$5' at Here } ifelse(`$2',,, `$2',F,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)} { line from rvec_(-m4h/2,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,m4h/2)} { line from rvec_(m4h/2,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4h/2)} { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,0)}', `$2',I,`{arrow from rvec_(-m4h*3/4,0) \ to rvec_(m4h*3/4,0)}', `$2',ti,`{line thick 2*linethick from rvec_(0,-m4h) \ to rvec_(0,m4h) chop m4h/4}', `$2',ii,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0)} {line thick 1.2*linethick from rvec_(m4h/12,-m4h*0.45) \ to rvec_(m4h*5/6,0) \ then to rvec_(m4h/12,m4h*0.45)} {line thick 1.2*linethick from rvec_(-m4h*3/4,-m4h*0.45) \ to Here \ then to rvec_(-m4h*3/4,m4h*0.45)}', `$2',i,`{line from rvec_(0,-m4h) \ to rvec_(0,m4h)}', `$2',B,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h*2/3,0) round arc ccw to rvec_(m4h*12/12,0) with .c at rvec_(m4h*12/24,0) arc ccw to rvec_(-m4h*2/3,0) with .c at rvec_(-m4h*1/3,0) arc ccw to rvec_(m4h*12/12,0) with .c at rvec_(m4h*12/24,0) round line to rvec_(m4h/3,0)}', `$2',H,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,-m4h/3) \ to Here+(0,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,m4h/3) }', `$2',L,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/4,0) round spline to rvec_(m4h/12,m4h*2/3) \ then to rvec_(m4h*5/12,m4h*2/3) \ then to rvec_(m4h/2,0) round line to rvec_(m4h*3/4,0)}', `$2',NA,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/5,0) { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } } { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/5,0) { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } } { dot(at rvec_(-m4h/2,-m4h/2)) } ', `$2',NB,`{ line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0) { line to rvec_(0,m4h) with .c at Here } } { line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,0) { dot(,,1) } } { dot(at rvec_(0,-m4h/2)) } ', `$2',N,`{ {line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(-m4h/2,0)} for_(70,250,180, `{ line from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x)) round } { arc cw from rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,m4x)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4h/2,-m4x)) \ with .c at Here round }') {line from rvec_(m4h/2,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0)}}', `$2',V,`{"ifsvg(-,`$_-$')" at rvec_(-m4h/2,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))} {"ifsvg(svg_small(+),`$_+$')" \ at rvec_( m4h/2,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))}', `$2',tv,`{line thick 2*linethick from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0) chop m4h/4}', `$2',v,`{line from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,0)}', `$2',AC,`{ACsymbol(,,,AR)}', `$2',P,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,-m4h/4) \ to Here+(-m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(-m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,-m4h/4) }', `$2',U,`{ line from Here+(-m4h/2,0) \ to Here+(-m4h/2,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,m4h/3) \ then to Here+(0,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,-m4h/3) \ then to Here+(m4h/2,0) }', `$2',R,`{ line from Here+(-m4h*2/3,-m4h/3) \ to Here+(m4h/3,m4h/2) \ then to Here+(m4h/3,-m4h/3) }', `$2',SCr,`{ arc cw from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4h,-m4h) }', `$2',SC,`{ arc from rvec_(-m4h,0) \ to rvec_(0,m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4h,m4h) }', `$2',SEr,`{ arc cw from Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,-2*m4h),1.8*m4h,R) \ to Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,-2*m4h),1.8*m4h) \ with .c at rvec_(0,-2*m4h) }', `$2',SE,`{ arc from Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,2*m4h),1.8*m4h) \ to Cintersect(Here,m4h,rvec_(0,2*m4h),1.8*m4h,R) \ with .c at rvec_(0,2*m4h) }', `$2',S,`{ACsymbol(,,,R)}', `$2',T,`{ line from Here+(-m4h*3/4,-m4h/4) \ to Here+(-m4h/4,m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h/4,-m4h/4) \ then to Here+(m4h*3/4,m4h/4) }', `$2',X,`define(`m4v',`m4h/sqrt(2)')dnl {line from rvec_(-m4v,m4v) \ to rvec_(m4v,-m4v)} {line from rvec_(-m4v,-m4v) \ to rvec_(m4v,m4v)}', `{$2}' ) line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} {ifelse(`$6',,,`$6':)[box invis ht_ m4h*2 wid_ m4h*2] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)}') line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `Internal to source macro:' define(`m4_sourceGQ', `m4sh = m4h*3/4 m4sv = sqrt((m4h)^2-m4sh^2) { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-(m4h+m4sh),0) {ifelse(`$1',,,`$1':)[ Cx: rvec_(m4h,0) ifelse(`$6',,, `{circle invis rad m4h `$6' with .c at Cx} {circle invis rad m4h `$6' with .c at Cx+vec_(m4sh*2,0)}') L: Cx+vec_(m4sh, m4sv) R: Cx+vec_(m4sh,-m4sv) M1: Cx-vec_(m4h/6,0) C1: circle rad m4h with .c at Cx `$5' C2: ifelse(`$3',G,`circle rad m4h',`arc rad m4h from R to L') \ `$5' with .c at C1 +vec_(m4sh*2,0) M2: C2+vec_(m4h/6,0) ] at rvec_(m4h+m4sh,0)} line from rvec_((m4h+m4sh)*2,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+(m4h+m4sh),0) } ') `ttmotor( linespec, string, diameter, brushwid, brushht )' define(`ttmotor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4r',ifelse(`$3',,`sourcerad_',`($3)/2'))dnl define(`m4w',ifelse(`$4',,`sourcerad_/4',`($4)'))dnl define(`m4h',ifelse(`$5',,`sourcerad_/2',`($5)'))dnl define(`m4cr',`(m4r-sqrt(max(m4r*m4r-m4h*m4h/4,0)))')dnl { line to rvec_(max(rp_len/2-m4r-m4w,0),0) { line from rvec_(m4w+m4cr,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4w+m4cr,-m4h/2) } { TTM_C: circle rad m4r \ at rvec_(m4w+m4r,0) ifelse(`$2',,,`m4lstring($2,"$2")') } move to rvec_((m4w+m4r)*2,0) { line from rvec_(-m4w-m4cr,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4w-m4cr,-m4h/2) } line to rvec_(max(rp_len/2-m4r-m4w,0), 0) } { [box invis ht_ m4r*2 wid_ (m4r+m4w)*2] at last circle.c } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `consource( linespec ,V|I|v|i|P, R, attributes ) Controlled source Arg3: V= voltage I= current v= voltage type 2 i= current type 2 P= proximity sensor arg 4 can be used to modify the body with e.g. color or fill' define(`consource',`ifelse(`$3',R, `reversed(`consource',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-csdim_,0) M4CSN: rvec_(csdim_,csdim_) M4CSS: rvec_(csdim_,-csdim_) M4CSE: rvec_(2*csdim_,0) M4CSW: Here {line to M4CSN then to M4CSE then to M4CSS then to Here `$4'} ifelse(`$2',I, `{arrow from rvec_(csdim_/4,0) \ to rvec_(csdim_*7/4,0)}', `$2',ti, `{line thick 2*linethick from M4CSN to M4CSS chop csdim_/4}', `$2',i, `{line from M4CSN to M4CSS}', `$2',V, `{"iflatex(`$-$',-)" at rvec_(csdim_*0.5,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))} {"iflatex(`$+$',+)" at rvec_(csdim_*1.5,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10))}', `$2',tv, `{line thick 2*linethick to M4CSE chop csdim_/4} ', `$2',v, `{line to M4CSE} ', `$2',P, `{ Proxim(2*csdim_) at rvec_(csdim_,0) }') line from M4CSE to rvec_(rp_len/2+csdim_,0) } {[box invis ht_ 2*csdim_ wid_ 2*csdim_] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `geiger( linespec, r, diameter, R, attributes, body name) Arguments as for source except arg2 r = right orientation ' define(`geiger',`pushdef(`m4h',ifelse(`$3',,`sourcerad_',`($3)/2'))dnl pushdef(`m4R',`ifelse(`$4',R,+180)')dnl source(`$1',F,shift(shift($@))) {dot(at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h*2/3,ifelse(`$2',r,,-)110 m4R)))} {"iflatex($+$,+)" at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0) \ +vec_(Rect_(m4h*3/2,ifelse(`$2',r,,-)30 m4R))} {em_arrows(ND,rp_ang*rtod_ ifelse(`$2',r,+,-)135 m4R,m4h) with .Head \ at rvec_(-rp_len/2,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h*5/4,ifelse(`$2',r,-)45 m4R))} dnl popdef(`m4h',`m4R') ') `Proxim(size, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes) Proximity symbol Arg2 default: current direction' define(`Proxim',`[ define(`m4prwid',`ifelse(`$1',,(dimen_/2),`($1)')')dnl setdir_(ifelse(`$2',,`ifdef(`m4a_',rp_ang*rtod_,0)',`$2')) M4PRN: rvec_(0, m4prwid/2) M4PRE: rvec_(m4prwid/2,0) M4PRS: rvec_(0,-m4prwid/2) M4PRW: rvec_(-m4prwid/2,0) { line from 1/2 between M4PRN and M4PRE to M4PRE then to M4PRS \ then to M4PRW then to M4PRN then to 1/2 between M4PRN and M4PRE `$3' } { line from 1/4 between M4PRW and M4PRN to 1/4 between M4PRE and M4PRN } { line from 1/4 between M4PRW and M4PRS to 1/4 between M4PRE and M4PRS } `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `Magn(len, ht, U|D|L|R|degrees) Magnetic relay action symbol' define(`Magn',`[ define(`m4mawi2',`ifelse(`$1',,(dimen_/4),`(($1)/2)')')dnl define(`m4mah2',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_/8),`(($2)/2)')')dnl setdir_(ifelse(`$3',,`ifdef(`m4a_',rp_ang*rtod_,0)',`$3')) m4fshade(0, line from vec_( 0, m4mah2) \ to vec_( m4mawi2, m4mah2) \ then to vec_( m4mawi2,-m4mah2) \ then to vec_( m4mawi2/2,-m4mah2) \ then to vec_( m4mawi2/2,0) \ then to vec_(-m4mawi2/2,0) \ then to vec_(-m4mawi2/2,-m4mah2) \ then to vec_(-m4mawi2,-m4mah2) \ then to vec_(-m4mawi2, m4mah2) \ then to vec_( 0, m4mah2)) `$4'; resetdir_ ]') `battery( linespec, n, R ) Arg 3: reversed polarity' define(`battery',`ifelse(`$3',R, `reversed(`battery',`$1',`$2',,shift(shift(shift($@))))', `eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,1,(`$2'))')define(`m4cs',`dimen_/12')dnl define(`m4wd',`m4cs*(m4n*2-1)')define(`m4ht',`dimen_/2')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wd/2,0) for m4i = 0 to 2*(m4n-1) by 2 do { { line from rvec_(m4i*m4cs,m4ht/4) \ to rvec_(m4i*m4cs,-m4ht/4) } { line from rvec_((m4i+1)*m4cs,m4ht/2) \ to rvec_((m4i+1)*m4cs,-m4ht/2) } } line from rvec_(m4wd,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4wd/2,0) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ')') `ebox(linespec, length, ht, greyvalue, box attributes) Length and ht (of the element) are relative to the direction of linespec' Alternative: `ebox(linespec, keys) keys: lgth=expr; wdth=expr; text="centered text"; box=box attributes, e.g. shaded "green"' define(`ebox',`eleminit_(`$1') {ifinstr(`$2',=, `pushkeys_(`$2',`lgth:dimen_/2; wdth:dimen_/5; text::N; box::N;') line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0); M4ebC: rvec_(m4lgth/2,0) lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4box) ifelse(m4text,,,`{m4text at M4ebC};')', `pushdef(`m4lgth',`ifelse(`$2',,dimen_/2,`$2')')dnl pushdef(`m4wdth',`ifelse(`$3',,dimen_/5,`$3')')dnl line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0) ifelse(`$4',,`lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,`$5')', `m4fshade(`$4',lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,`$5'))')') line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0)} {[ box invis ht_ m4wdth wid_ m4lgth ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} popdef(`m4wdth',`m4lgth')ifinstr(`$2',=,`popdef(`m4text',`m4box')')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `fuse( linespec, chars, wid, ht, attributes ) chars dA|B|C|D|S|SB|HB|HC or dA (=D)' define(`fuse',`eleminit_(`$1') pushdef(`m4fusetype',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2',D,dA,`$2')')dnl pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5'ifinstr(`$2',H,*5/3),`($4)'))dnl pushdef(`m4d',ifinstr(`$2',H,`m4ht/5',0))dnl pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$3',,`m4ht*2',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) sc_draw(`m4fusetype',HB, `{move to rvec_(m4d,0); lbox(m4wd-2*m4d,m4ht-2*m4d)} {lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} line to rvec_(m4wd+max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',HC, `{move to rvec_(m4d,0); {lbox(m4wd-2*m4d,m4ht-2*m4d,`$5')} {line from rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)/5,m4ht/2-m4d) \ to rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)/5,-m4ht/2+m4d)} line from rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)*4/5,m4ht/2-m4d) \ to rvec_((m4wd-2*m4d)*4/5,-m4ht/2+m4d) } {lbox(m4wd,m4ht)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',A, `arc cw to rvec_(m4ht,0) rad m4ht/2 with .c at rvec_(m4ht/2,0)dnl ifelse(m4a,d,`; {dot(at last arc.start,,1)}') arc ccw to rvec_(m4ht,0) rad m4ht/2 with .c at rvec_(m4ht/2,0) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)dnl ifelse(m4a,d,`; dot(at last line.start,,1)')') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',SB, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} {line to rvec_(m4wd+max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)} {m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4wd/5,m4ht))} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',B, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} line to rvec_(m4wd+max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',C, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} {line from rvec_(m4wd/5,-m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd/5,m4ht/2)} {line from rvec_(m4wd*4/5,-m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd*4/5,m4ht/2)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') sc_draw(`m4fusetype',S, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} {m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4wd/5,m4ht))} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)') } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} popdef(`m4wd',`m4d',`m4ht',`m4fusetype')dnl line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `arrester( linespec, [G|E|S][D[L|R]], len[:arrowhead ht], ht[:arrowhead wid], attributes ) arg2 chars: G= spark gap (default) g= general (dots) E= gas discharge S= box enclosure C= carbon block A= electrolytic cell H= horn gap P= protective gap s= sphere gap F= film element M= multigap modifiers: R= right orientation L= left orientation D= 3-terminal element for S, E only with terminals A, B, G' define(`arrester', `define(`m4rdna',`patsubst(`$2',D\|L\|R)')dnl ifelse(m4rdna,,`define(`m4rdna',G)')dnl define(`m4rL',ifinstr(`$2',L,-))dnl define(`m4rR',ifinstr(`$2',R,-))dnl define(`m4aht',`m4Rightstr(`$3',arrowht*2/3)')dnl define(`m4awd',`m4Rightstr(`$4',arrowwid*4/3)')dnl define(`m4wd', `ifinstr(m4rdna,C,`m4Leftstr(`$3',dimen_/3)', m4rdna,F,`m4Leftstr(`$3',dimen_/3)', m4rdna,s,`m4Leftstr(`$3',dimen_/4)', m4rdna,E,`m4Leftstr(`$3',dimen_*5/8)', `m4Leftstr(`$3',dimen_/2)')')dnl define(`m4ht', `ifinstr(Loopover_(`Z',`ifinstr(m4rdna,Z,T)',C,A,s),T, `m4Leftstr(`$4',dimen_/4)', ifinstr(m4rdna,F,T),T,`m4Leftstr(`$4',dimen_/3)', `m4Leftstr(`$4',dimen_/5)')')dnl ifinstr(`$2',D, `[ define(`m4LL',m4rL)dnl ifinstr(m4rdna,S, `R: arrester(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(dimen_,0)'),m4rdna,shift(shift($@))) Gb: line from R.c+vec_(0,m4LL m4ht/2) to R.c+vec_(0,m4LL (-m4ht*3/2)) A: R.start; B: R.end; C: R.c; G: Here ', m4rdna,E, `R: arrester(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(dimen_,0)'),m4rdna,shift(shift($@))) Gb: line from R.c+vec_(0,m4LL m4wd/8) to R.c+vec_(0,m4LL (-m4wd*3/4)) A: R.start; B: R.end; C: R.c; G: Here ', `M4ErrorMsg(`D argument of Arrester() applies to types S, E only!') ') ]', `eleminit_(`$1',elen_) {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[ Orig: Here ifinstr(m4rdna,G, `{arrow to rvec_(m4aht,0) wid m4awd ht m4aht} move to rvec_(m4wd,0) arrow to rvec_(-m4aht,0) wid m4awd ht m4aht', m4rdna,g, `{dot(at rvec_(dotrad_,0))}; dot(at rvec_(m4wd-dotrad_,0))', m4rdna,M, `{dot(at rvec_(dotrad_,0))} {dot(at rvec_(m4wd/2,0))}; dot(at rvec_(m4wd-dotrad_,0))', m4rdna,C, `lbox(m4wd/3,m4ht,`$5'); move to rvec_(m4wd/3,0) lbox(m4wd/3,m4ht,`$5')', m4rdna,A, `{line to rvec_(m4wd/4,0)} for_(1,3,1,`line from rvec_(0,m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd/4,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2); move to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4ht/2) ifelse(m4x,3,,move to rvec_(m4wd/8,0))') ', m4rdna,H, `line to rvec_(m4ht,0); round {arc ifelse(m4rR,-,,c)cw from Here to rvec_(-m4ht,m4rR m4ht) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4ht,0)} move to rvec_(m4wd-2*m4ht,0); round {arc ifelse(m4rR,-,c)cw from Here to rvec_(m4ht,m4rR m4ht) \ with .c at rvec_(m4ht,0)} line to rvec_(m4ht,0)', m4rdna,P, `{open_arrow(to rvec_(m4aht,0),m4awd,m4aht)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0) open_arrow(to rvec_(-m4aht,0),m4awd,m4aht)', m4rdna,s, `{line to rvec_(m4ht/2*(sqrt(2)-1),0)} {arc from rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) to rvec_(0,m4ht/2) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4ht/2,0)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0) {arc from rvec_(0,m4ht/2) to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) \ with .c at rvec_(m4ht/2,0)} {line to rvec_(-m4ht/2*(sqrt(2)-1),0)}', m4rdna,F, `{line from rvec_(0,m4ht/2) to rvec_(0,-m4ht/2)} {line from rvec_(m4wd/2,m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd/2,-m4ht/2)} line from rvec_(m4wd,m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/2)', m4rdna,S, `{lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$5')} arrow to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) wid m4awd ht m4aht', m4rdna,E, `{circle diam m4wd at rvec_(m4wd/2,0) `$5'} {arrow to rvec_(m4wd*3/8,0) wid m4awd ht m4aht} {arrow <- from rvec_(m4wd*5/8,0) to rvec_(m4wd,0) wid m4awd ht m4aht} dot(at rvec_(m4wd*6/8,m4wd/4),dotrad_*2/3) ') ] with .Orig at Here } line from rvec_(m4wd,0) to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2+m4wd/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') ') `memristor( linespec, wid, ht, attributes )' define(`memristor',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/5',`($3)'))define(`m4htx',`m4ht/4')dnl define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))define(`m4wdx',`m4wd*4/25')dnl { line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$4')] at rvec_(m4wd/2,0)} line to rvec_(m4wdx,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*2,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*2,-m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*3,-m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*3,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*4,m4htx) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*4,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wdx*5,0) m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') `pvcell( linespec, wid, ht, attributes )' define(`pvcell',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/5',`($3)'))dnl { line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[lbox(m4wd,m4ht,`$4')] at rvec_(m4wd/2,0)} {line from rvec_(0,-m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd/3,0) then to rvec_(0,m4ht/2)} move to rvec_(m4wd,0); line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)') `heater( linespec, nparts|keys, wid, ht, boxspec|[E[R][T]] ) If arg5 contains E, draws an heatere(linespec,keys,[R][T]) otherwise a heatert(linespec,nparts,wid,ht,boxspec)' define(`heater',`ifinstr(`$5',E, `heatere(`$1',`$2',`$5')', `heatert($@)')') `heatere( linespec, keys, [R|T] ) R: right orientation T: truncates leads to the width of the body keys: (for body) lgth=expr; wdth=expr; (default lgth*2/5) cycles=expr; line=attributes' define(`heatere', `pushkeys_(`$2',`lgth:dimen_/2; wdth:m4`'lgth*2/5; cycles:3; line::N;')dnl ifinstr(`$3',R,`pushdef(`m4ng',-)pushdef(`m4cw')pushdef(`m4ccw',cw)', `pushdef(`m4ng') pushdef(`m4cw',cw)pushdef(`m4ccw')')dnl eleminit_(ifinstr(`$3',T,m4wdth,`$1')) { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4wdth/2,0); round {[S: Here; r = m4lgth/(4*m4cycles+1) arc m4cw m4line to rvec_(r,m4ng`'r) with .c at rvec_(r,0) for i=1 to m4cycles do { arc m4ccw m4line to rvec_(0,m4ng`'2*r) \ with .c at rvec_(0,m4ng`'r) arc m4cw m4line to rvec_(0,m4ng`'2*r) with .c at rvec_(0,m4ng`'r) } line m4line to rvec_(m4wdth-2*r,0) for i=1 to m4cycles do {arc m4cw m4line to rvec_(0,m4ng`'(-2*r)) \ with .c at rvec_(0,m4ng`'(-r)) arc m4ccw m4line to rvec_(0,m4ng`'(-2*r)) with .c at rvec_(0,m4ng`'(-r)) } arc m4cw m4line to rvec_(r,m4ng`'(-r)) with .c at rvec_(0,m4ng`'(-r)); round ] with .S at Here } line from rvec_(m4wdth,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4wdth/2,0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0)dnl popdef(`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4cycles',`m4line',`m4ng',`m4cw',`m4ccw') ') `heatert(linespec, nparts|keys, wid,ht,boxspec) keys: parts=expr; lgth=expr; wdth=expr; box=attributes; args 3-5 unused if any key is given arg5= body attributes' define(`heatert',`eleminit_(`$1') ifelse(regexp(`$2',`parts=\|lgth=\|wdth=\|box='),-1, dnl not very elegant `pushdef(`m4parts',ifelse(`$2',,4,`$2'))dnl pushdef(`m4lgth',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/2',`($3)'))dnl pushdef(`m4wdth',ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_/5',`($4)'))dnl pushdef(`m4box',`$5')', `pushkeys_(`$2',`parts:4; lgth:dimen_/2; wdth:dimen_/5; box::N')')dnl { line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4lgth/2),0) {[lbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4box)] at rvec_(m4lgth/2,0)} for m4ix=1 to m4parts-1 do { {line from rvec_(m4ix*m4lgth/(m4parts),m4wdth/2) \ to rvec_(m4ix*m4lgth/(m4parts),-m4wdth/2) m4box}} line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2+m4lgth/2),0) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) popdef(`m4parts',`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4box')') `lamp(linespec,[R][T],attributes)' define(`lamp',`pushdef(`m4ng',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-)')pushdef(`m4hw',`dimen_/10')dnl pushdef(`m4dp',(m4ng`'m4hw/2))pushdef(`m4ht',(m4ng`'dimen_/8))dnl eleminit_(ifinstr(`$2',T,m4hw*2,`$1')) { [ circle rad dimen_/5 `$3' ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ng`'dimen_/3.2) } { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,0) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,m4ng`'dimen_/3.2) spline ifdpic(ctension_) to rvec_(0,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(1.3*m4hw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_(1.3*m4hw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_(0.7*m4hw,-m4dp) \ then to rvec_(0.7*m4hw, m4ht) \ then to rvec_(2*m4hw,m4ht) \ then to rvec_(2*m4hw,0) line to rvec_(0,-(m4ng`'dimen_/3.2)) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4hw,-(m4ng`'dimen_/3.2)) } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) popdef(`m4ng',`m4hw',`m4dp',`m4ht') ') `thermocouple(linespec, wid, ht, L|R [T]) T=truncated leads; R=right orientation' define(`thermocouple',`pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/5',`($2)'))dnl eleminit_(ifinstr(`$4',T,m4wd,`$1')) pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/2',`($3)'))dnl pushdef(`m4ths',`ifinstr(`$4',R,-)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),m4ths`'(m4ht-m4wd/2)) \ then to rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2)+m4wd,m4ths`'(m4ht-m4wd/2)) \ then to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2)+m4wd,0) \ then to rvec_(rp_len,0)} { dot(at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht)) } {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,m4ths`'m4ht/2)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis popdef(`m4wd',`m4ht',`m4ths')') `cbreaker( linespec, L|R, D|Th|TS, body name ) circuit breaker to left or right of linespec, D=with dots; Th=thermal; TS=squared thermal Default body bounding box name is Br' define(`cbreaker',`ifinstr(`$3',T, `tbreaker($@)', `mbreaker($@)')') define(`tbreaker',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4ho',0) {ifinstr(`$3',TS, `define(`m4h',`dimen_/5')define(`m4v',`m4h/2')define(`m4ho',`m4v/2')dnl m4j = max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2) line to rvec_(m4j,0) \ then to rvec_(m4j,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4j+m4h,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4j+m4h,0) \ then to rvec_(m4j*2+m4h,0) ', `define(`m4h',`dimen_*2/5')define(`m4v',`m4h/2')define(`m4ho',0)dnl m4j = max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2) line to rvec_(m4j,0) {round arc cw to rvec_( m4h/4,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h/4,-75)) with .c at rvec_( m4h/4,0)} move to rvec_(m4h,0) {round arc cw to rvec_(-m4h/4,0)+vec_(Rect_(m4h/4,105)) with .c at rvec_(-m4h/4,0)} line to rvec_(m4j,0) ') } {ifelse(`$4',,Br,`$4'):[box invis ht_ m4v wid_ m4h ] at rvec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,-)m4ho) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') define(`mbreaker',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)') define(`m4h',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cr',`((m4h+2*dimen_/32)*5/8)')dnl define(`m4ht',`(m4cr-sqrt(m4cr^2-(m4h/2+dimen_/32)^2)+dimen_/16)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2),0) {ifelse(`$3',D,`dot(,,1) move to rvec_(0,m4R`'dotrad_);')dnl arc ifelse(`$2',R,c)cw from rvec_(-dimen_/32,m4R`'dimen_/16) \ to rvec_(m4h+dimen_/32,m4R`'dimen_/16) rad m4cr \ with .c at rvec_(m4h/2,m4R`'(m4ht-m4cr))} {line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h+max(0,rp_len/2-m4h/2),0) ifelse(`$3',D,`dot(at last line.start,,1)') } ifelse(`$4',,Br,`$4'): [box invis ht_ m4ht ifelse(`$3',D,`+2*dotrad_') \ wid_ m4h+dimen_/16] at rvec_(m4h/2,m4R`'(m4ht/2)) } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `jumper(linespec,chars|keys) Two-terminal solder jumper with named body parts. chars: character sequence normally beginning with C and ending with D specifying the jumper components and their attribs: C is first, D last, E is empty (blank) gap, J is filled gap, B is box component. The components are named T1, T2, ... e.g. CED is a simple open jumper (default); CJD closed; CEBED three-contact open; CJBED three-contact open and closed. keys: type=chars as above; body=attributes; (e.g. fill_(0.5)) wdth=expr; name=chars; body name' define(`jumper',`eleminit_(`$1') pushkeys_(`$2',`type:m4typ:N; body:fill_(0):N; wdth:dimen_/5; name::N;')dnl ifelse(m4type,m4typ, `poppushdef(`m4type',`ifelse(`$2',,CED,`ifinstr(`$2',=,CED,`$2')')')')dnl pushdef(`m4r',m4wdth/2) pushdef(`m4lgth',`m4r*len(m4type)')dnl { line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4lgth/2,0) { line from rvec_(m4lgth,0) to rvec_(rp_len/2+m4lgth/2,0) } {ifelse(m4name,,,m4name:) [ S: Here for_(1,len(m4type),1,`define(`m4ch',`substr(m4type,decr(m4x),1)')dnl T`'m4x: ifelse(m4ch,C, `[ arc to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) with .c at rvec_(0,-m4r) m4body round(,,m4body); L: line to rvec_(0,m4wdth) m4body; round(,,m4body) ] with .L.c at rvec_(m4r,0); move to last [].L.c ', m4ch,J,`rotbox(m4r,m4r,m4body)', m4ch,B,`rotbox(m4r,m4wdth,m4body)', m4ch,E,`move to rvec_(m4r,0)', m4ch,D,`[ arc to rvec_(0,m4wdth) with .c at rvec_(0,m4r) m4body round(,,m4body); L: line to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) m4body; round(,,m4body) ] with .L.c at Here; move to T`'m4x.L.c+vec_(m4r,0)')') ] with .S at Here } } line invis to rvec_(rp_len,0) undefine(`m4ch') dnl popdef(`m4type',`m4body',`m4wdth',`m4name',`m4r',`m4lgth') ') `gap( linespec,fill,A ) Gap with filled dots e.g. gap(down_ linewid/2,1); rlabel(+,v_1,-) A: chopped arrow between dots' define(`gap',`eleminit_(`$1') dot(,,ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2')); dot(at last line.end,,ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2')) ifelse(`$3',A, `{arrow from last line.start to last line.end chop dotrad_*3}') {[box invis ht_ 0 wid_ min(rp_len,(dimen_*4/9+rp_len)/3)] at last line.c} ') `arrowline( linespec ) line with midpoint arrowhead e.g. arrowline(up 1 dotted); llabel(,I_2)' define(`arrowline',`line ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(elen_,0)',`$1') { eleminit_(from last line.start to last line.end) } { arrow from last line.start to last line.end \ chop lin_leng(last line)/2-arrowht/2 [box invis ht_ arrowwid wid_ arrowht] at last line.c }') `ground( at position, T|stem length, N|F|S|L|P[A]|E, D|U|L|R|degrees) T=truncated stem; N=normal ground, F=frame, S=signal, L=low-noise, P=protective, E=European; PA=protective alternate Down (default), Up, Left, Right, angle (deg)' define(`ground',`box invis ht 0 wid 0 with .c ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1') define(`m4v',`dimen_/6')define(`m4h',`dimen_/16')dnl {setdir_(ifelse(`$4',,-90,`$4')) ifelse(`$2',,`line from last box.c to rvec_(dimen_/4,0)', `$2',T,,`line from last box.c to rvec_(`$2',0)') ifelse(`$3',F, `{line from rvec_(dimen_/8,m4v-dimen_/12) \ to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/8,-m4v-dimen_/12)} line to rvec_(dimen_/8,-dimen_/12)', `$3',S, `{line to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(m4v*1.5,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to Here }', `$3',Q, `{shade(0,line to rvec_(0,m4v) \ then to rvec_(m4v*1.5,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v) \ then to Here) }', `$3',L, `{move to rvec_(m4h,0) arc cw rad m4v*3/2 from rvec_(Rect_(m4v*3/2,-60)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4v*3/2,60)) with .c at Here} ground(,T,,`$4')', `$3',PA, `{Grnd_T: line to rvec_(0,m4v*1.6) \ then to rvec_(5.5*m4h,0) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v*1.6) \ then to Here} ground(at rvec_(m4h,0),T,,`$4')', `$3',P, `{Grnd_C: circle rad m4v*3/2 at rvec_(m4h,0)} ground(,T,,`$4')', `$3',E, `{line from rvec_(0,m4v*2/3) \ to rvec_(0,-m4v*2/3) thick linethick*2}', `{line from rvec_(0,m4v) \ to rvec_(0,-m4v)} {line from rvec_(m4h,dimen_/9) \ to rvec_(m4h,-dimen_/9)} line from rvec_(2*m4h,dimen_/14) \ to rvec_(2*m4h,-dimen_/14)') resetdir_} ') `antenna(at position, T|stem length, A|L|T|S|D|P|F, U|D|L|R|degrees) arg2=T: truncate stem arg3= A aerial; L loop, T triangle, S diamond, D dipole, P phased, F fork; up (default), down, left, right, angle (deg)' define(`antenna',`[ T: Here define(`m4v',`dimen_/2')define(`m4h',`dimen_/12')dnl define(`m4atype',ifelse(`$3',,A,`$3'))dnl setdir_(ifelse(`$4',,90,`$4')) ifelse( m4atype,L, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(m4v-m4h,m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(m4v-m4h,-m4v/2+m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v/2+m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4h,m4v/2-m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v,m4v/2-m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v,-m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to T2', m4atype,T, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') line to rvec_(m4v*3/4,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to Here line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T', m4atype,S, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4-m4h,m4v*3/4) \ then to rvec_(2*m4v*3/4-m4h,0) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4-m4h,-m4v*3/4) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to T2', m4atype,D, `T1: rvec_(0,m4h); T2: rvec_(0,-m4h) ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4v,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') { line from T1 to rvec_(0,m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,m4h*3) } { line from T2 to rvec_(0,-m4h) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h*3) }', m4atype,P, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2/3,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') line from T to Here { line from rvec_(0,-m4v/3) \ to rvec_(0,m4v/3) } { line from rvec_(m4h,-m4v*2/3) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4v*2/3) }', m4atype,F, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') { line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ to rvec_(0,m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4)} line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T', m4atype,A, `ifelse(`$2',,`move to rvec_(m4h*2,0)', `$2',T,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)') { line from rvec_(m4v*3/4, m4v*sqrt(3)/4) to Here \ then to rvec_(m4v*3/4,-m4v*sqrt(3)/4) } line from rvec_(m4v*3/4,0) \ to T') `$5'; resetdir_ ] with .T ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1') move to last [].T') `switch( linespec,L|R,[O|C][D],L|B|D,attribs ) Wrapper for bswitch, lswitch, dswitch R=right orientation (default L=left) if arg4=blank or L: arg3 = [O|C][D][K][A] D = circle at contact and hinge (dD = hinge only, uD = contact only) K=closed switch; A=arrowhead on switch blade; O=opening arrow; C=closing arrow if arg4=B (button switch): arg3 = O|C O=normally open; C=normally closed; if arg4=D: arg3 = same as for dswitch and arg5 is arg4 of dswitch GC or GX' define(`switch',`ifelse( `$4',, `lswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',L,`lswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',B,`bswitch(`$1',`$2',`$3')', `$4',D,`define(`m4qna_',`$3')dnl define(`m4rna_',W`'ifinstr(`$2',C,dBK,B)`'m4qna_)dnl dswitch(`$1',`$2',m4rna_,`$5')')') `bswitch( linespec,L|R,chars ) pushbutton switch R=right orientation (default L=left) chars: O= normally open, C=normally closed' define(`bswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') dnl define(`m4h',`dimen_/3') define(`m4cs',`0.069186*dimen_')dnl (2.5pt) define(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',R,-m4cs,m4cs)')define(`dna_',`$3') dnl {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0) chop 0 chop m4cs} { Bsw_T1: circle rad m4cs at rvec_(rp_len/2-m4h/2,0); move to last circle { Bsw_T2: circle rad m4cs at rvec_(m4h,0) }; ifelse(`$4',,,`{`$4'}') sc_draw(`dna_',C,dnl `{ line from rvec_(-m4cs,-(m4v)) \ to rvec_(m4h+m4cs,-(m4v)) } { line from rvec_(m4h/2,-(m4v)) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*3) } {[box invis ht_ 4*m4cs wid_ m4h+2*m4cs] at rvec_(m4h/2,m4v)}', `{ line from rvec_(-m4cs,m4v*2.5) \ to rvec_(m4h+m4cs,m4v*2.5) } { line from rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*2.5) \ to rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*4.5) } {[box invis ht_ 5.5*m4cs wid_ m4h+2*m4cs] at rvec_(m4h/2,m4v*1.75)}') line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h/2+rp_len/2,0) chop m4cs chop 0 } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `lswitch( linespec,L|R,chars ) knife switch R=right orientation (default L=left) chars=[O|C][[ud]D][K][A] D = circle at contact and hinge (dD = hinge only, uD = contact only) K=closed switch; A=arrowhead on switch blade; O=opening arrow; C=closing arrow' define(`lswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') dnl define(`m4v',`dimen_/4')define(`m4cs',`dimen_/4*Sin(10)')dnl define(`dna_',`$3')define(`m4d',-1)define(`m4k',15)dnl m4t1 = arrowht; m4t2 = arrowwid; arrowht = dimen_/0.75*0.08; arrowwid = dimen_/0.75*0.053 {line to rvec_(rp_len/2-dimen_/6,0) sc_draw(`dna_',K,`define(`m4k',25)dnl {{ifinstr(`$3',A,arrow m4c_l,line) \ to LCtangent(Here,rvec_(dimen_/3,0),dotrad_,`$2') chop 0 chop -dotrad_} line from rvec_(dimen_/3,0) to rvec_(dimen_/3,ifelse(`$2',R,-)dotrad_)}', `{ifinstr(`$3',A,arrow m4c_l,line) \ to rvec_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)dimen_/4)}') sc_draw(`dna_',C,`{ arc <- m4c_l ifelse(`$2',R,,`c')cw \ from rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)m4k))\ to rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)60)) \ with .c at rvec_(Rect_(-dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(60-m4k)/2)) }') sc_draw(`dna_',O, `{ arc -> m4c_l ifelse(`$2',R,,`c')cw \ from rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)10))\ to rvec_(Rect_(dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)75)) \ with .c at rvec_(Rect_(-dimen_/4,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(75-10)/2)) }') } {{line from rvec_(rp_len/2+dimen_/6,0) \ to rvec_(rp_len,0) } sc_draw(`dna_',D, `ifelse(m4a,u,,`dot(at rvec_(rp_len/2-dimen_/6,0),,1)') ifelse(m4a,d,,`dot(at last line.start,,1)')') } { [box invis ht_ dimen_/4+m4cs wid_ dimen_/3] \ with .c at rvec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,-)(m4v-(m4cs))/2)} arrowht = m4t1 ; arrowwid = m4t2; ifelse(`$4',,,`{`$4'}') line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `dswitch(linespec, R, W[ud]B chars, attributes) Comprehensive IEEE-IEC single-pole switch: arg2=R: orient to the right of drawing dir arg4 is a key-value sequence for the body of GC and GX options; GC keys: diam, circle GX keys: lgth, wdth, box, text arg 3: blank means WB by default B=contact blade open Bc=contact blade closed Bm= mirror blade Bo=contact blade more widely open dB=contact blade to the right of direction Cb = circuit breaker function (IEC S00219) Co = contactor function (IEC S00218) C = external operating mechanism D = circle at contact and hinge (dD = hinge only, uD = contact only) DI = Disconnector; isolator (IEC S00288) E = emergency button EL = early close (or late open) LE = late close (or early open) F = fused GC = disk control mechanism, attribs: diam=expr; circle=circle attribs; GX = box control mechanism, attribs: lgth=expr;wdth=expr;box=box attr; text=char; H = time delay closing uH = time delay opening HH = time delay opening and closing K=vertical closing contact line use WdBK for a normally-closed switch L = limit M = maintained (latched) MM = momentary contact on make MR = momentary contact on release MMR = momentary contact on make and release O = hand operation button P = pushbutton Pr[T|M] = proximity [touch-sensitive or magnetically controlled] R = time-delay operating arm Sd = Switch-disconnector Th = thermal control linkage Tr = tripping W = baseline with gap Y = pull switch Z = turn switch' define(`dswitch',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`dna_',ifelse(`$3',,WB,`$3')`')dnl define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)')define(`m4sc',`dimen_/24')dnl M4CC: last line.c sc_draw(`dna_',W, `{ line from M4CC+vec_( 4*m4sc,0) to last line.end } { line to M4CC+vec_(-4*m4sc,0) }') {[ tr_xy_init(,m4sc,m4R) T: M4_xyO; B: T sc_draw(`dna_',Bm, `define(`m4c',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy(5.0,m4c`'4.5) line invis from B.start to B.end chop 0 chop -m4_xyU*5/4 m4fshade(0,circle rad m4_xyU*5/4 at last line .end)') sc_draw(`dna_',Bo, `define(`m4c',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy(4,m4c`'13/sqrt(3))') sc_draw(`dna_',Bc, `B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy( 4,0)') sc_draw(`dna_',B, `define(`m4c',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl B: line from tr_xy(-4,0) \ to tr_xy(5.0,m4c`'4.5)') sc_draw(`dna_',Cb, `line from tr_xy(2,-2) to tr_xy(6, 2) line from tr_xy(2, 2) to tr_xy(6,-2)') sc_draw(`dna_',Co,`ifelse(m4R,-, `arc ifelse(m4c,-,,c)cw from tr_xy(4,0) \ to tr_xy(8,0) with .c at tr_xy(6,0)', `arc ifelse(m4c,-,c)cw from tr_xy(4,0) \ to tr_xy(8,0) with .c at tr_xy(6,0)') ') sc_draw(`dna_',GC, `pushkeys_(`$4',`diam:12*m4sc;circle::N;text::N')dnl line from B.c to B.c+ta_xy(0,4) GC: circle diam m4diam m4circle dnl ifelse(m4text,,,`m4lstring(m4text,"m4text")') \ at Here+ta_xy(0,m4diam/2/(m4sc)) popdef(`m4diam',`m4circle',`m4text')') sc_draw(`dna_',GX, `pushkeys_(`$4',`lgth:10*m4sc;wdth:10*m4sc;box::N;text::N')dnl line from B.c to B.c+ta_xy(0,4) GX: rotbox(m4lgth,m4wdth,m4box) at Here+ta_xy(0,m4lgth/2/(m4sc)) ifelse(m4text,,,`m4lstring(m4text,"m4text") at GX.C') dnl popdef(`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4box',`m4text')') sc_draw(`dna_',C, `T: B.c+ta_xy(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)12) C: line dashed from B.c to T ') sc_draw(`dna_',DI, `DI: line from tr_xy(4,2) to tr_xy(4,-2)') sc_draw(`dna_',D, `ifelse(m4a,u,,`dot(at tr_xy(-4,0),,1)') ifelse(m4a,d,,`dot(at tr_xy(4,0),,1)')') sc_draw(`dna_',EL, `EL: line from 0.99 along_(B) to B.end \ then to B.end + ta_xy(vperp(B,m4c`'2.5,R))') sc_draw(`dna_',LE, `LE: line from 0.99 along_(B) \ to B.end \ then to B.end + ta_xy(vperp(B,m4c`'2.5))') sc_draw(`dna_',K, `K: line from tr_xy(4,0) \ to tr_xy(4,m4c`'5)') sc_draw(`dna_',F, `DT: 1/8 along_(B); DQ: 5/8 along_(B) F: line from DT to DT + ta_xy(neg_(m4c)1/2,1) \ then to DQ + ta_xy(neg_(m4c)1/2,1) \ then to DQ + ta_xy(m4c`'1/2,-1) \ then to DT + ta_xy(m4c`'1/2,-1) \ then to DT ') sc_draw(`dna_',L, `DT: 11/16 along_(B) define(`m4e',ifelse(m4a,d,-)) line from 5/16 along_(B) \ to DT + ta_xy(neg_(m4e)1,ifelse(m4c,m4e,,-)2) \ then to DT') sc_draw(`dna_',Sd, `dot(at tr_xy(4,0),m4_xyU*3/2,1) line from tr_xy(4,2)+vec_(m4_xyU*3/2,0) \ to tr_xy(4,-2)+vec_(m4_xyU*3/2,0)') sc_draw(`dna_',Th, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl T: B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line from B.c to B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.5) \ then to B.c+ta_xy(3,m4t`'4.5) \ then to B.c+ta_xy(3,m4t`'7.5) \ then to B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'7.5) \ then to T ') sc_draw(`dna_',Tr, `m4angtmp = rp_ang; point_(lin_ang(B)) DT1: 0.4 along_(B); DT2: 0.65 along_(B) m4dTr = distance(DT1,DT2) move to DT1+vec_(0,m4c`'m4dTr/2) m4fshade(0,lbox(m4dTr,m4dTr)) point_(m4angtmp) ') sc_draw(`dna_',PrM, `T: Proxim(dimen_/3) at B.c+ta_xy(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)8) line dashed dimen_/16 from B.c to T chop 0 chop dimen_/6 Magn(dimen_/3,dimen_/6) at T+vec_(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)dimen_/4)') sc_draw(`dna_',MMR, `line from tr_xy(6,1.16) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,-1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',MM, `MM: line from tr_xy(5,0) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',MR, `MR: line from tr_xy(5,0) \ to tr_xy(4,0) \ then to tr_xy(6,-1.16)') sc_draw(`dna_',M, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl T: B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line dashed 1.5*m4sc from B.c to B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.5) line to B.c+ta_xy(-3,m4t`'6) \ then to B.c+ta_xy(0,m4t`'7.5) line dashed 1.5*m4sc to T ') sc_draw(`dna_',O, `line from T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ to T + ta_xy(2.5,0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',PrT, `T: Proxim(dimen_/3) at B.c+ta_xy(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)8) line dashed dimen_/16 from B.c to T chop 0 chop dimen_/6 line to rvec_(dimen_/4,0) with .c at T+vec_(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)dimen_/6)') sc_draw(`dna_',Pr, `T: Proxim(dimen_/3) at B.c+ta_xy(0,ifelse(m4a,d,-)8) line dashed dimen_/16 from B.c to T chop 0 chop dimen_/6 ') sc_draw(`dna_',P, `line from T + ta_xy(-2.5,-2.5) \ to T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,-2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',Y, `line from T + ta_xy(-2.5,2.5) \ to T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',Z, `line from T + ta_xy(-2.5,-2.5) \ to T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,0) \ then to T + ta_xy(2.5,2.5) ') sc_draw(`dna_',R, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl DT: 5/12 along_(B); DQ: 7/12 along_(B) line from DT to DT + ta_xy(0,m4t`'12) line from DQ to DQ + ta_xy(0,m4t`'(neg_(m4c)sqrt(3)/2+12)) T: 1/2 between Here and 2nd last line.end ') sc_draw(`dna_',HH, `arc ifelse(m4R,-,c)cw \ from T+ta_xy(3,3/2) \ to T+ta_xy(-3,3/2) with .c at T+ta_xy(0,4.0) arc ifelse(m4R,,c)cw \ from T+ta_xy(3,-3/2) \ to T+ta_xy(-3,-3/2) \ with .c at T+ta_xy(0,-4.0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',H, `define(`m4t',ifelse(m4a,d,-))dnl arc ifelse(m4t,m4R,,c)cw \ from T+ta_xy(3,m4t`'3/2) \ to T+ta_xy(-3,m4t`'3/2) \ with .c at T + ta_xy(0,m4t`'4.0) ') sc_draw(`dna_',E, `line from T + ta_xy(-2.5,0) \ to T + ta_xy(2.5,0) arc ifelse(m4R,-,,c)cw to last line.start with .c at T + ta_xy(0,-1.5) ') ] with .M4_xyO at M4CC } line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `amp( linespec,size, attributes ) Amplifier' define(`amp',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {[ End: vec_(m4wd,0); line from End \ to vec_(0,m4wd/2) \ then to vec_(0,-m4wd/2) \ then to End `$3'] with .End at rvec_(m4wd,0) } line from rvec_(m4wd,0) to rvec_(max(m4wd,rp_len/2+m4wd/2),0) } line to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd),0) invis ') `integrator( linespec,size,attributes )' define(`integrator',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl {[ In: Here {line from rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \ to rvec_(0,m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) `$3' } line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) \ to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4wd/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) `$3' ; Out: Here ] with .In at Here} {line from rvec_(m4wd*5/4,0) to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) } line to rvec_(max(rp_len,m4wd*5/4),0) invis ') `opamp(linespec, - label, + label, size|keys, chars) keys= lgth=expr; wdth=expr; body=attributes; drawn as a []: defined positions: W, N, E, S, Out, E1, E2, In1, In2 size: expr (default lgth equals wdth) chars: P: power connections V1,V2 R: labels at In1,In2 swapped T: truncated point ' define(`opamp', `[ pushdef(`m4dlgth',`ifinstr(`$4',=,dimen_,ifelse(`$4',,dimen_,`($4)'))')dnl pushkeys_(`$4',`body::N; lgth:m4dlgth; wdth:m4`'lgth;')dnl pushdef(`dna_',`$5')dnl ifelse(`$1',,`lgt=elen_',`eleminit_(`$1'); lgt=max(rp_len,m4lgth)') W: Here N: vec_(0,m4wdth/2) S: vec_(0,-m4wdth/2) E: vec_(m4lgth,0) C: vec_(m4lgth/2,0) { sc_draw(`dna_',T, `line to N then to 0.75 between N and E \ then to 0.75 between S and E then to S then to W m4body line from 0.75 between W and E to E', `line to N then to E then to S then to W m4body; move to E') if lgt > m4lgth then { line to rvec_(lgt-m4lgth,0) } Out: Here } NE: vec_(m4lgth/2,m4wdth/4); E1: NE SE: vec_(m4lgth/2,-m4wdth/4); E2: SE In1: vec_(0,m4wdth/4) In2: vec_(0,-m4wdth/4) { move to In`'ifinstr(dna_,R,2,1) ifelse(`$2',,"iflatex(`{\scriptsize$-$}',-)" \ at rvec_(4pt__,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10)),m4lstring(`$2',"`$2'"))} { move to In`'ifinstr(dna_,R,1,2) ifelse(`$3',,"iflatex(`{\scriptsize$+$}',+)" \ at rvec_(4pt__,0) ifsvg(+(0,textht/10)),m4lstring(`$3',"`$3'"))} sc_draw(`dna_',P, `{line from E1 to (vec_(m4lgth/2,m4wdth/4+m4wdth/8)); V1: Here} {line from E2 to (vec_(m4lgth/2,-(m4wdth/4+m4wdth/8))); V2: Here}') `$6' popdef(`m4dlgth',`dna_',`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4body')] ') `dac(width,height,nIn,nN,nOut,nS)' define(`dac',`[ define(`dac_ht',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_),`$2')')dnl define(`dac_wd',`ifelse(`$1',,(dimen_+dac_ht/2),`$1')')dnl In: Here C: rvec_((dac_wd-dac_ht/2)/2,0) NE: rvec_(dac_wd-dac_ht/2, dac_ht/2) Out:rvec_(dac_wd,0) SE: rvec_(dac_wd-dac_ht/2,-dac_ht/2) NW: rvec_(0,dac_ht/2) SW: rvec_(0,-dac_ht/2) define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$3',,1,`eval($3)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`In`'m4x: NW-vec_(0,dac_ht*(2*m4x-1)/(2*m4dn))')dnl define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$4',,1,`eval($4)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`N`'m4x: NW+vec_((dac_wd-dac_ht/2)*m4x/(m4dn+1),0)')dnl define(`m4dn',ifelse(`$5',,1,`eval($5)'))dnl for_(1,m4dn,1,`r = eval(2*m4x-1)/eval(m4dn*2) Out`'m4x: Out-vec_(ifelse(eval((2*m4x-1)0),1,`m4bi_Em(eval(`$1'-1),`$2',`$3')')') `Unijunction transistor ujt(linespec, R,P,E) Bulk and terminals B1, B2, E defined arg 2: drawn to the right of curr direction arg 3: P-channel, default N arg 4: envelope' define(`ujt', `[ ifelse(`$1',,,`eleminit_($1)') B1: Here ifelse(`$1',,,`line to rvec_(rp_len/2-m4_U*2,0)') Bl1: line to rvec_(0,ifelse(`$2',R,-)3.5*m4_U) Bulk: line from rvec_(-m4_U*0.5,0) \ to rvec_(m4_U*4.5,0) Bl2: line from Bulk.end+vec_(-m4_U/2,0) \ to Bulk.end+vec_(-m4_U/2,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)3.5*m4_U) ifelse(`$1',,,`\ then to Bulk.c+vec_(rp_len/2,ifelse(`$2',R,,-)3.5*m4_U)') B2: Here E: Bulk.c+vec_(2*m4_U,ifelse(`$2',R,-)3.5*m4_U) E1: line from E to Bulk.center {arrow m4c_l from last line.ifelse(`$3',P,`end to 1',`start to 7')/8 \ between last line.start and last line.end wid m4_Awd ht m4_Aht } ifelse(`$4',E,dnl `Env: circle rad 4*m4_U with .c at Bulk.c') `$5'; manhattan ] ') `FETS: j_fet(linespec, R, P, E ) e_fet(linespec, R, P, E|S ) d_fet(linespec, R, P, E|S ) c_fet(linespec, R, P ) g_fet(linespec, R, P, shade spec ) with terminals S, D, G. arg 2: G pin drawn to right of curr direction arg 3: P-channel, default N arg 4: envelope or simplified' define(`j_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)GSDF,`$4',`$5')') `Enhancement-mode FET e_fet(linespec,R,P,S,E)' define(`e_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2', ifelse(`$4',S,`TFD'ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)S,`LEDSQ'ifelse(`$3',P,d,u)B), `$4',`$5')') `Depletion-mode FET d_fet(linespec,R,P,S,E)' define(`d_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2', ifelse(`$4',S,`TFDR'ifelse(`$3',P,u,d)S,`LFDSQ'ifelse(`$3',P,d,u)B), `$4',`$5')') `Simplified switching c_fet(linespec,R,P) arg 3: negated G pin' define(`c_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',`ZSDF'ifelse(`$3',P,d)T,,`$4')') `Graphene FET g_fet(linespec,R,P,shadespec)' define(`g_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',ifinstr(`$3',P,d,u)SKTF,`$4',`$5') ') `Fe_fet(linespec,R,chars) FET with superimposed ferroelectric symbol: arg1, arg2, arg3 are as for mosfet' define(`Fe_fet',`mosfet(`$1',`$2',ifelse(`$3',,SDFT,`$3'),, variable(,NN,60,dimen_/3, at (0.5 between S and D)+vec_(0,ifelse(`$2',R,-)4*m4_U)); `$4')') ` The comprehensive mosfet(linespec,R,BDEFGLQRSTXZ,E) Every drawn component is controlled by a letter or letter pair in arg 3; adding or changing elements is easily done by adding a test for a letter or letter sequence. The modifiers u and d are optional: udB: center bulk connection pin; u or d arrow D: D pin and lead E: dashed substrate F: solid-line substrate udG: G pin to substrate at source; u or d arrow udH: G pin to substrate at center; u or d arrow K: graphene hexagon L: G pin to channel (kept for compatibility for now; the same as dM below) udM: G pin to channel center or u: pin at drain end, d: pin at source end udMn: gates G0 to Gn as above Py: parallel diode Pz: parallel zener diode Q: connect B pin to S pin R: thick channel udS: S pin and lead; u or d arrow dT: G pin to center of channel d: not circle X: XMOSFET terminal Z: simplified complementary MOS arg 2: body drawn to right of curr direction arg 4: envelope' define(`mosfet', `define(`m4R',`ifelse(`$2',R,-)')dnl right orientation flag define(`dna_',`ifelse(`$3',,DSEdMuBQ,`$3')@')dnl define(`m4s',ifinstr(dna_,Z,2.5,3.5))dnl size parameter define(`m4hs',2.5)define(`m4hhx',m4hs*sqrt(3))dnl hex side len define(`m4K',ifinstr(dna_,K,K))dnl [ ifelse(`$1',, `tr_xy_init(,m4_U,m4R); ifinstr(dna_,K, `S: tr_xy(-m4hs,0); D: tr_xy(m4hs,0); W: S; E: D tr_xy_init(tr_xy(0,m4hhx/2-m4s),m4_U,m4R)', `S: tr_xy(-2,0); D: tr_xy(2,0)')', `eleminit_(`$1'); tr_xy_init(last line.c,m4_U,m4R) ifinstr(dna_,K, `S: last line.start; D: last line.end; W: tr_xy(-m4hs,0); line from S to W E: tr_xy( m4hs,0); line from D to E tr_xy_init(tr_xy(0,m4hhx/2-m4s),m4_U,m4R)', `S: last line.start; line from S to tr_xy(-2,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__) D: S+vec_(rp_len,0); line from D to tr_xy(2,0) \ then to tr_xy(2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__)')') sc_draw(`dna_',B, `B: tr_xy(0,0); Bl: line from B to tr_xy(0,m4s) ifelse(m4a,,,`arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd ifelse(m4a,d,<-) \ from tr_xy(0,m4s/2)-vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) \ to tr_xy(0,m4s/2)+vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) ')') sc_draw(`dna_',D, `Dl: line from tr_xy(2,0) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)') sc_draw(`dna_',E, `Channel: line invis from tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s) line from tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(-1,m4s) line from tr_xy(-0.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(0.5,m4s) line from tr_xy(1,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s)') sc_draw(`dna_',F, `Channel: line from ifinstr(dna_,Z, `tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)', `tr_xy(-2.5,m4s) \ to tr_xy(2.5,m4s)')') sc_draw(`dna_',G, `G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) ifelse(m4a,,`Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to G', m4a,d,`Gl: arrow m4c_l from G to tr_xy(-2,m4s) ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd', m4a,u,`Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,m4s) \ to G; arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd \ from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3-m4_Aht/(m4_U))) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3))')') sc_draw(`dna_',H, `G: tr_xy(0,(m4s+4)) ifelse(m4a,,`Hl: line from tr_xy(0,m4s) \ to G', m4a,d,`Hl: arrow m4c_l from G to tr_xy(0,m4s) ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd', m4a,u,`Hl: line from tr_xy(0,m4s) \ to G; arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd \ from tr_xy(0,(m4s+3-m4_Aht/(m4_U))) \ to tr_xy(0,(m4s+3))')') sc_draw(`dna_',K, `NW: W+ta_xy( m4hs/2, m4hhx/2) SW: W+ta_xy( m4hs/2,-m4hhx/2) SE: E+ta_xy(-m4hs/2,-m4hhx/2) NE: E+ta_xy(-m4hs/2, m4hhx/2) Kl: line from NW \ to W then to SW then to SE then to E then to NE then to NW `$4'') sc_draw(`dna_',L, `G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) Ll: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G') for_(1,4,1, `sc_draw(`dna_',M`'m4x,`m4mo_Mm(m4x,m4a,`$4',ifinstr(dna_,Z,2,2.5))')') sc_draw(`dna_',M,`ifelse( m4a,, `G: tr_xy(0,(m4s+4)) Glh: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) Glv: line from tr_xy(0,(m4s+1)) \ to G', m4a,u,`G: tr_xy(2,(m4s+3.5)) Gl: line from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G', m4a,d,`G: tr_xy(-2,(m4s+3.5)) Gl: line from tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ then to G')') sc_draw(`dna_',Py,`pushdef(`m4pdd_mosfet')') sc_draw(`dna_',Pz,`pushdef(`m4pdd_mosfet',Z)') ifdef(`m4pdd_mosfet', `define(`m4q',m4a)dnl Diode: diode(ifelse(m4q,d,to,from) tr_xy(-2,-2) \ ifelse(m4q,d,from,to) tr_xy( 2,-2),m4pdd_mosfet) ifelse(m4q,d,rp_ang = rp_ang + pi_) line from tr_xy(-2,0) \ to tr_xy(-2,-2) \ then to tr_xy(2,-2) \ then to tr_xy(2,0) popdef(`m4pdd_mosfet')') sc_draw(`dna_',Q, `Ql: line from tr_xy(0,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__) \ to tr_xy(0,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0) \ then to tr_xy(-2,0)+vec_(0,m4R`'linethick pt__)') sc_draw(`dna_',R, `Rl: line thick 2*linethick from tr_xy(-2,m4s)\ -vec_(0,m4R`'linethick*3/2 pt__) \ to tr_xy(2,m4s)-vec_(0,m4R`'linethick*3/2 pt__) ') sc_draw(`dna_',S,`ifelse(m4K,K, `Sl: arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht*2/3 wid m4_Awd \ from ifelse(m4a,u,NW to W,W to NW)', `Sl: line from tr_xy(-2,0) \ to tr_xy(-2,m4s) ifelse(m4a,,,`arrow m4c_l ht m4_Aht wid m4_Awd ifelse(m4a,d,<-) \ from tr_xy(-2,m4s/2)-vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) \ to tr_xy(-2,m4s/2)+vec_(0,m4R`'m4_Aht/2) ')')') sc_draw(`dna_',T, `Tl: line from tr_xy(-2,(m4s+1)) \ to tr_xy(2,(m4s+1)) ifelse(m4a,d,`Nt: circle rad m4_U*2/3 with .c at tr_xy(0,(m4s+1+2/3))') Gl: line from tr_xy(0,`(m4s+1'`ifelse(m4a,d,+4/3))') \ to tr_xy(0,(m4s+4)); G: Here') sc_draw(`dna_',X,dnl From Matteo Agostinelli `B: tr_xy(0,0); Xv: line from B to tr_xy(0,m4s-1) Xh: line from tr_xy(-1.5,m4s-1) \ to tr_xy(1.5,m4s-1)') ifelse(`$4',E,`Env: circle rad 4*m4_U with .c at tr_xy(0,m4s)') `$5'; manhattan ] ') define(`m4mo_Mm',dnl (m4n,m4a,[E]) `define(`m4mo_d',`eval((`$1')*2+1)')dnl for_(0,`$1',1, `define(`m4moc',`ifelse(`$2',u, ` (`$4')-`$4'*4*m4x/m4mo_d',`-`$4'+`$4'*4*m4x/m4mo_d')')dnl ifinstr(`$3',E, `M4moM: move from tr_xy(m4moc,m4s) to tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+1) G`'m4x: LCintersect(M4moM,tr_xy(0,m4s),4*m4_U,R)', `G`'m4x: tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+4)') Gm`'m4x: line from G`'m4x to tr_xy(m4moc,m4s+1) \ then to tr_xy(m4moc`'ifelse(`$2',u,-,+)2*`$4'/m4mo_d,m4s+1) ') ') `Macro-internal coordinates adjusted for L|R' define(`ta_xy',`vec_(vscal_(m4_xyU,`$1',ifelse(`$2',0,0,m4_xyS`($2)')))') `Relative adjusted macro-internal coordinates' define(`tr_xy',`M4_xyO+vec_(vscal_(m4_xyU,`$1',ifelse(`$2',0,0,m4_xyS`($2)')))') `Initialize tr_xy_init(origin,unit,-)' define(`tr_xy_init', `M4_xyO: ifelse(`$1',,Here,`$1') define(`m4_xyU',`$2')dnl define(`m4_xyS',`$3')') `Extract substring plus preceding char if u or d' define(`m4_dna',`define(`m4I_',index($1,`$2'))dnl ifelse(m4I_,-1,`define(`m4t',0)',`define(`m4t',eval(m4I_+len($2)))dnl define(`m4a',ifelse(substr($1,decr(m4I_),1),u,`define(`m4I_',decr(m4I_))'u, substr($1,decr(m4I_),1),d,`define(`m4I_',decr(m4I_))'d))dnl define(`$1',substr($1,0,m4I_)`'substr($1,m4t))')')dnl `Conditional subcomponent draw sc_draw(dna string, substring, iftrue, iffalse)' define(`sc_draw',`m4_dna(`$1',`$2')ifelse(m4I_,-1,`$4',`$3')') `(r|l|c)label( label, label, label, relative position, block name ) Element labels at the start, centre, and end of the last [] block (or a named [] block) in the current direction. Labels are spaced and treated as math, but copied literally if double quoted or defined by sprintf. Arg4 can be above, below, left, right to supplement the default position. Arg5 is the optional name of a [] block and is last [] by default.' `The hash (pound sign) is used in svg text so we temporarily turn off comments for svg' define(`rlabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',.s_,below_,`$4',`$5')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') define(`llabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',.n_,above_,`$4',`$5')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') define(`clabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl m4label(`$1',`$2',`$3',,,`$4',`$5')`'ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') labels at centre and both ends of an element `dimen_' long define(`m4label',`dnl ifelse(`$1',,, `{m4lstring(`$1',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$1'$',`$1')`'sp_") \ at ifelse(`$7',,last [],`$7').w_ $5 rjust_ $6};')dnl ifelse(`$2',,, `{m4lstring(`$2',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$2'$',`$2')`'sp_") \ at ifelse(`$7',,last [],`$7')$4 $5 $6};')dnl ifelse(`$3',,, `{m4lstring(`$3',"sp_`'iflatex(`$ `$3'$',`$3')`'sp_") \ at ifelse(`$7',,last [],`$7').e_ $5 ljust_ $6};')dnl ') `dlabel(long,lateral,label,label,label,chars) Labels for oblique or aligned elements long, lateral: dispacement from center with respect to drawing direction chars: X displacement is from the centre of the last line rather than the centre of the last [] L,R,A,B align labels ljust, rjust, above, or below (absolute) respectively' define(`dlabel',`ifsvg(`changecom(,)')dnl define(`m4long_',`ifelse(`$1',,`dimen_',`($1)')')dnl define(`m4lat_',`ifelse(`$2',,`10bp__',`($2)')')dnl ifelse(`$3',,, `{m4lstring(`$3',"iflatex(`$ `$3'$',` $3')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(-m4long_,m4lat_) \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') dnl ifelse(`$4',,, `{m4lstring(`$4',"iflatex(`$ `$4'$',` $4')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(0,m4lat_) \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') dnl ifelse(`$5',,, `{m4lstring(`$5',"iflatex(`$ `$5'$',` $5')") \ at last ifinstr(`$6',X,line,[]).c+vec_(m4long_,m4lat_) \ ifinstr(`$6',L,ljust,`$6',R,rjust) dnl ifinstr(`$6',A,above,`$6',B,below) };') ifsvg(`changecom(`#',)')') `eleminit_( linespec, default length ) compute element direction and length. eleminit_ defines the position, length, and angle of two-terminal elements. It calls rpoint_ with its linespec or circuit-element default. The rpoint_ macro draws the invisible line determined by its argument, calculates the length and angle, and gives the angle to the point_ macro to set the rotation parameters used by vec_ and rvec_.' define(`eleminit_', `rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(ifelse(`$2',,`elen_',`$2'),0)',`$1'))') `parallel_(`elementspec', `elementspec', ... Parallel combination of two-terminal elements in a [] block. Each elementspec is quoted and of the form [Sep=val;][Label:] element; [attributes] where an attribute is of the form [llabel(...);]|[rlabel(...);][b_current(...);] Sep=val; in the first branch sets the default separation of all branches to val; in a later element Sep=val; applies only to that branch. An element may have normal arguments but should not change the drawing direction. An argument may also be series_(args) or parallel_(args) without attributes or quotes. example: define(`elen_',dimen_) setdir_(Down) parallel_( `resistor;llabel(,R);inductor(,W);llabel(,L)', `capacitor;rlabel(,C)') ' define(`parallel_', `[ ifdef(`m4rp_ang',rp_ang = m4rp_ang;) pwid = 0 stackargs_(`m4parR',$@) stackexec_(`m4parR',`m4parS')dnl define(`m4br',0) define(`m4parsep',`m4sepdefault')dnl stackdo_(`m4parS', `define(`m4pel',m4parS) pushkey_(m4pel,Sep,m4parsep)dnl ifelse(m4br,0,`define(`m4parsep',m4Sep)')dnl ifinstr(m4pel,Sep=,`define(`m4pel',substr(m4pel,eval(index(m4pel,;)+1)))') E`'eval(m4br+1): [ Start: Here m4pel End: Here C: 0.5 between Start and End ] ifelse(m4br,0,,`with .C at C`'m4br-vec_(0,m4Sep)') define(`m4br',incr(m4br))dnl Start`'m4br: E`'m4br.Start; End`'m4br: E`'m4br.End; C`'m4br: E`'m4br.C pwid = max(pwid,distance(Start`'m4br,End`'m4br)) ') U: Vdiff_(End1,Start1) d = vlength(U.x,U.y); if d==0 then { d=1 } else { d = 1/d } Unit: Vsprod_(U,d) line from C1-(Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)) to C`'m4br-(Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)) \ chop -lthick/2 Start: last line.c line from C1+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) to C`'m4br+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) \ chop -lthick/2 End: last line.c; C: 0.5 between Start and End for_(1,m4br,1,` line from Start`'m4x to C`'m4x-Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2) line from End`'m4x to C`'m4x+Vsprod_(Unit,pwid/2)') ] with .Start at Here; move to last [].End ') define(`m4sepdefault',`dimen_') `Default separation in the parallel_ macro' define(`m4lendefault',`dimen_') `Default length in the series_ macro' `series_(elementspec, elementspec, ... ) Series combination in a [] block of elements with shortened default length An elementspec is of the form [Label:] element; [attributes] where an attribute is of the form [llabel(...);]|[rlabel(...);][b_current(...);] Internal points Start, End, and C are defined automatically.' define(`series_', `[ pushdef(`elen_',m4lendefault)dnl stackargs_(`m4serR',$@) stackexec_(`m4serR',`m4serS')dnl ifdef(`m4rp_ang',rp_ang = m4rp_ang;) Start: Here stackdo_(`m4serS',`m4serS ') End: Here; C: 0.5 between Start and End popdef(`elen_')] with .Start at Here; move to last [].End ') `reversed(`macro name in quotes', macro args) reverse polarity of two-terminal element' define(`reversed',`eleminit_(`$2') $1(from last line.end to last line.start,shift(shift($@))) rp_ht = -rp_ht; rp_wid = -rp_wid; rp_ang = rp_ang - pi_ line invis to last line.start ') `resized(factor,`macro name in quotes',args) multiply element body size by factor' define(`resized',`pushdef(`dimen_',(dimen_)*(`$1'))dnl $2(shift(shift($@))) popdef(`dimen_')') `variable(`element', type, [+|-]angle, length, at position) overlaid arrow or line on two-terminal element to show variablility: type = [A|P|L|[u]N|[u]NN][C|S] A=arrow; P=preset; L=linear; N=nonlinear; NN=symmetric nonlinear, u changes direction; C=continuous; S=setpwise. If arg3 begins with + or -, then the argument (typically -45) is relative to the current drawing angle. If arg5 is blank the symbol is placed over the last []' define(`variable',`$1 {[ define(`dna_',ifelse($2,,A,$2)`')define(`m4sgn',regexp(`$3',^ *[+-]))dnl ang = ifelse(m4sgn,-1,,rp_ang*rtod_) ifelse(`$3',,45,`$3') define(`m4a2',`ifelse(m4sgn,0,rp_ang-pi_/2,0)') dnl define(`m4a3',`ifelse(m4sgn,0,rp_ang,pi_/2)') dnl define(`m4tip',`dimen_/8')dnl T: (Rect_(ifelse(`$4',,`dimen_*0.8',`$4'),ang)) sc_draw(`dna_',P,`Line: line to T; C: Line.c [line to (Rect_(m4tip,ang-90))] at Line.end') sc_draw(`dna_',L,`Line: line to T; C: Line.c') sc_draw(`dna_',NN,`C: 1/2 between Here and T ifelse(m4a,u,`Line: line from Here+(rect_(-m4tip,m4a3)) to Here \ then to T then to T+(rect_( m4tip,m4a3))', `Line: line from Here+(rect_(-m4tip,m4a2)) to Here \ then to T then to T+(rect_( m4tip,m4a2))')') sc_draw(`dna_',N,`C: 1/2 between Here and T ifelse(m4a,u,`Line: line to T then to T+(rect_(m4tip,m4a3))', `Line: line from T to Here \ then to Here+(rect_(-m4tip,m4a2))')') sc_draw(`dna_',A,`Line: arrow to T; C: Line.c') sc_draw(`dna_',C,`move to T+(dimen_*0.10,-dimen_*0.06) line to Here+(Rect_(m4tip,ang))') sc_draw(`dna_',S,`move to T+(dimen_*0.10,-dimen_*0.12) line up dimen_*0.06 then right dimen_*0.12 then up dimen_*0.06') `$6'] with .C ifelse(`$5',,at last [].c,`$5') } ') `Line hopping over named ordered lines, diverting left or right: crossover(linespec, [L|R][:line attributes], line_name,line_name,...) attributes are outlined "color" dotted ... #define(`hoprad_',`dimen_/12')' define(`crossover',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4attribs',ifinstr(`$2',:,`patsubst(`$2',^.*:)'))dnl define(`m4divert',`patsubst(`$2',:.*)')dnl define(`m4_lt2',`ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpgf(T)`'ifsvg(T),T, `hlth',0)')dnl M4Start: last line.start; M4End: last line.end Loopover_(`M4',`line m4attribs to intersect_(M4Start,M4End,M4.start,M4.end) \ chop 0 chop hoprad_-m4_lt2 ifelse(`m4_lt2',0,,`move to rvec_(-m4_lt2,0)') arc m4attribs ifelse(m4divert,R,c)cw to rvec_(2*hoprad_,0) \ with .c at rvec_(hoprad_,0) ifelse(`m4_lt2',0,,`move to rvec_(-m4_lt2,0)')', shift(shift($@))) line m4attribs to M4End ') `NPDT(npoles,chars) Double throw switch chars: R = right orientation' define(`NPDT',`[define(`m4np',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl define(`m4xR',ifinstr(`$2',R,R))define(`m4SR',ifelse(m4xR,R,-))dnl for_(1,m4np,1, `{ L`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): dot(at rvec_(-dimen_/3,0),,1) } { X: Here T`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): circle invis rad dotrad_ at X lswitch(from X to X+vec_(dimen_/3,0),m4xR,D) R`'ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,m4x): circle invis rad dotrad_ at Here } ifelse(eval(m4x1),1,`move to vec_(dimen_/6,m4SR`'dimen_/10) DL: line dashed to rvec_(0,m4SR`'(m4np-3/4)*dimen_/2)') `$3']') `relay(npoles,chars,attributes) arg1: Number of poles (max 10) chars: any of the relaycoil options and: O = normally open C = normally closed P = three-position none of above = double-throw (default) L = drawn left (default) R = drawn to right of drawing direction Th = thermal ' define(`relay',`[ define(`m4pm',`ifinstr(`$2',R,-)')dnl Coil: relaycoil(`$2',,,,`$3') define(`m4rel',rcdna_) V1: Coil.V1 V2: Coil.V2 sc_draw(m4rel,Th, `{move to Coil #rvec_(-dimen_/8,0) line from rvec_(-dimen_/20,dimen_/6) \ to rvec_(-dimen_/20,dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/20,dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/20,-dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(-dimen_/20,-dimen_/20) \ then to rvec_(-dimen_/20,-dimen_/6)}') Cs: contacts(ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1'),D`'m4rel) with .O1 at Coil.B2 + \ vec_(ifinstr(m4rel,P,-dimen_/5,0)+dimen_/4,m4pm`'(dimen_/4+dimen_/5)) for_(1,ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1'),1, `P`'m4x: Cs.P`'m4x C`'m4x: Cs.C`'m4x O`'m4x: Cs.O`'m4x') `$4'] ') `contacts(npoles,chars) chars: P= three position O|C= normally open, normally closed (default) R= right orientation (default left) I= open circles for contacts T= T contacts U= U contacts D= dashed line across armatures' `e.g. contacts(1,5,O)' define(`contacts',`[ define(`m4np',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl ifelse(eval(m4np>10),1,`define(`m4np',10)')dnl for_(1,m4np,1, `K`'m4x: contact(`$2') with .O at Here P`'m4x: circle invis rad dotrad_ at last [].P C`'m4x: last [].C O`'m4x: last [].O ifelse(m4x,m4np,,`move to last[].C+vec_(0,m4pm dimen_/4)')') ifelse(eval(m4np>1),1,`ifinstr(`$2',D, `DL: line dashed from K1.A.c to K`'m4np.A.c chop -dimen_/10')') `$3'] ') `contact(chars [,R]) Relay contact switch Arg 2 deprecated, kept for compatibility chars: O|C= normally open, normally closed (default) I= open dots for contacts X= filled dots P= three position R= right orientation (default left) T= T contacts U = line contact' define(`contact',`[ dnl define(`m4pm',`ifelse(ifinstr(`$1',R,R,`$2',R,R),R,-)')dnl define(`m4dr',`dotrad_')define(`m4TL',dimen_/12)dnl define(`m4fll',`ifinstr(`$1',X,,1)')dnl P: dot(,m4dr,m4fll) T: P+vec_(dimen_/2-dimen_/12,0) ifinstr(`$1',P,`ifinstr( `$1',I, `{C: dot(at T+vec_(0,m4pm`'(dimen_/8+m4dr*2+lthick/2)),m4dr,m4fll)} {O: dot(at T-vec_(0,m4pm`'(dimen_/8+m4dr*2+lthick/2)),m4dr,m4fll)} A: line from P to ifinstr( `$1',O,`(LCtangent(P,O,dotrad_+lthick/2)) chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `$1',C,`(LCtangent(P,C,dotrad_+lthick/2,R)) chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `P+vec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0')', `$1',U, `{C: T+vec_(m4TL*2,m4pm`'(dimen_/6)) line from C to C-vec_(2*m4TL,0)} {O: T+vec_(m4TL*2,m4pm`'(-dimen_/6)) line from O to O-vec_(2*m4TL,0)} A: line from P to ifinstr( `$1',O,`O-vec_(2*m4TL-dimen_/27,0) chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `$1',C,`C-vec_(2*m4TL-dimen_/27,0) chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `P+vec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0')', `$1',T, `{CC: T+vec_(0,m4pm`'(dimen_/8+m4TL*2/3)) C: line from CC+vec_(0,-m4TL) to CC+vec_(0,m4TL) } {OO: T-vec_(0,m4pm`'(dimen_/8+m4TL*2/3)) O: line from OO+vec_(0,-m4TL) to OO+vec_(0,m4TL) } A: line from P to ifinstr( `$1',O,`1/6 between O.end and O.start chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `$1',C,`1/6 between C.start and C.end chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `P+vec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0')', `{AC: arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ from T+vec_(0,m4pm`'dimen_/8) to T+vec_(0,m4pm`'dimen_*3/8) \ then to T+vec_(dimen_/5,m4pm`'dimen_*3/8) C: Here} {AO: arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ from T-vec_(0,m4pm`'dimen_/8) to T+vec_(0,-(m4pm`'dimen_*3/8)) \ then to T+vec_(dimen_/5,-(m4pm`'dimen_*3/8)) O: Here} A: line from P to ifinstr( `$1',O,`AO.start chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `$1',C,`AC.start chop m4dr chop -m4dr', `P+vec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0')') ', # end of P `A: line from P to P+vec_(dimen_/2,0) chop m4dr chop 0 define(`m4CO', `ifinstr(`$1',C,`ifinstr(`$1',O,O)C',`ifinstr(`$1',O,O,OC)')')dnl ifinstr(m4CO,C, `move to T ifinstr( `$1',I, `{ C: dot(at rvec_(0,m4pm`'(m4dr+lthick/2)),m4dr,m4fll) } ifinstr(m4CO,O,,`O: Here')', `$1',U, `{C: T+vec_(m4TL*2,m4pm`'(dimen_/6)) line from C to C-vec_(2*m4TL,0)} ifinstr(m4CO,O,,`O: Here')', `$1',T, `CC: rvec_(0,m4pm`'(m4TL*2/3)) { C: line from CC+vec_(0,-m4TL) to CC+(0,m4TL) } ifinstr(m4CO,O,,`O: T') ', `{AC: arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ to rvec_(0,m4pm`'dimen_/4) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/5,m4pm`'dimen_/4) C: Here } O:rvec_(dimen_/5,0)') ') ifinstr(m4CO,O, `move to T+vec_(0,-(m4pm`'dimen_/8)) ifinstr( `$1',I, `{O: dot(at rvec_(0,m4pm`'(-m4dr*2)),m4dr,m4fll) } ifinstr(m4CO,C,,`C: T ')', `$1',U, `{O: T+vec_(m4TL*2,m4pm`'(-dimen_/6)) line from O to O-vec_(2*m4TL,0)} ifinstr(m4CO,C,,`C: T ')', `$1',T, `{ OO: (rvec_(0,m4pm`'(-m4TL*2/3))) O: line from OO+vec_(0,-m4TL) to OO+vec_(0,m4TL)} ifinstr(m4CO,C,,`C: T ')', `{AO: arrow m4c_l <- ht dimen_/6 wid dimen_/6 \ to rvec_(0,-(m4pm`'dimen_/4)) \ then to rvec_(dimen_/5,-(m4pm`'dimen_/4)) O: Here } ifinstr(m4CO,C,,`C: T+vec_(dimen_/5,0)') ') ') ') `$3'] ') `relaycoil( chars, wid, ht, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes ) chars: (see IEC 60617 S00305 - S00319) X or default: external lines from A2 and B2 AX external lines at positions A1,A3 BX external lines at positions B1,B3 NX no lines at positions A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 SO slow operating SOR slow operating and release SR slow release S diagonal slash HS high speed NAC unaffected by AC current AC AC current ML mechanically latched MR mechanically resonant PC pulse counter PO polarized RM remanent RH remanent TH thermal EL electronic' define(`relaycoil',`[ ifelse(`$4',,,`setdir_(`$4')') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/4',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/2',`($3)'))dnl define(`m4LL',`ifinstr(`$4',NX,0,dimen_/3)')dnl define(`rcdna_',ifinstr(`$1',AX,,`$1',BX,,`$1',X,,X)`$1')dnl { lbox( m4wd, m4ht, `$5' ) } { A1: rvec_(0,m4ht/4) A2: Here; V1: A2 A3: rvec_(0,-m4ht/4) } { B1: rvec_(m4wd,m4ht/4) B2: rvec_(m4wd,0); V2: B2 B3: rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/4) } sc_draw(`rcdna_',AX, `{ line from A1 to A1+vec_(-dimen_/3,0); V1: Here line from A3 to A3+vec_(-dimen_/3,0); V2: Here }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',BX, `{ line from B1 to B1+vec_( dimen_/3,0); V1: Here line from B3 to B3+vec_( dimen_/3,0); V2: Here }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',NX) sc_draw(`rcdna_',X, `{ line to rvec_(-dimen_/3,0); V1: Here move to B2; line to rvec_(dimen_/3,0); V2: Here }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',SOR, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); {lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4)} {line from rvec_(0,-m4ht/8) to rvec_(m4wd, m4ht/8)} {line from rvec_(0, m4ht/8) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/8)} {move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht)*3/8); m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4))} {move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht)/8) {line to rvec_(0,-m4ht/8)} {line from rvec_(m4wd,0) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/8)}} }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',SO, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); {lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4)} {line from rvec_(0,-m4ht/8) to rvec_(m4wd, m4ht/8)} {line from rvec_(0, m4ht/8) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/8)} }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',SR, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4)) }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',HS, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4) } { move to rvec_(m4wd/2,-(m4ht/2)); line to rvec_(0,-m4ht/4)} ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',S, `{ line from rvec_(0,m4ht/2) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/2)}') sc_draw(`rcdna_',NAC, `{ m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) } { move to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,0); m4fshade(0,lbox(m4wd/4,m4ht)) } ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',AC, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*3/4)); { lbox(m4wd,m4ht/2) } move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) ifgpic( `arc rad m4wd/3 cw from Here-(m4wd*2/3,0) \ to Here with .c at Here-(m4wd/3,0) arc rad m4wd/3 ccw from Here to Here+(m4wd*2/3,0) with .c \ at Here+(m4wd/3,0)', ` sinusoid(m4wd/3,twopi_/(m4wd*2/3),pi_/2,-m4wd/3,m4wd/3) \ with .Origin at Here ') }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',ML, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*11/16)); { lbox(m4wd,m4ht*3/8) } line from rvec_(0,m4ht*3/16) to rvec_(m4wd/2,-m4ht*3/16) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,m4ht*3/16) } ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',MR, `{ move to rvec_(m4wd/2,m4ht/2) { m4tmp = rp_ang; dashline(to rvec_(0,m4ht*3/4),,m4ht*3/16,m4ht*3/32) point_(m4tmp)} move to rvec_(0,m4ht*3/8) ifgpic( `arc rad m4wd/2 cw from rvec_(-m4wd/2,0) \ to Here with .c at rvec_(-m4wd/4,-m4wd/4) arc rad m4wd/2 ccw from Here to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) with .c \ at rvec_(m4wd/4,m4wd/4)', `sinusoid(m4wd/6,twopi_/(m4wd),pi_/2,-m4wd/2,m4wd/2) \ with .Origin at Here ') } ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',PC, `{ move to rvec_(0,m4ht/2+m4wd/2) { lbox(m4wd,m4wd) } circle diam m4wd/2 at rvec_(m4wd/2,0) } ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',PO, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); { lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4) } m4fshade(0, line to rvec_(0,m4ht/8) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,m4ht/8) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/8) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,-m4ht/8) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/4,-m4ht/8) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4ht/8) \ then to Here) } ') sc_draw(`rcdna_',RM, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*5/8)); { lbox(m4wd,m4ht/4) } line from rvec_(0,m4ht/8) to rvec_(m4wd,-m4ht/8) }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',RH, `{ move to rvec_(0,-(m4ht*11/16)); { lbox(m4wd,m4ht*3/8) } line from rvec_(m4wd/4,m4ht/8) \ to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4ht/32) \ to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,-m4ht/32) \ to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,-m4ht/8) }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',TH, `{ line to rvec_(m4wd/4,0) then to rvec_(m4wd/4,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,0) \ then to rvec_(m4wd,0) }') sc_draw(`rcdna_',EL, `{ { line from rvec_(m4wd/4,0) to rvec_(m4wd*3/4,0) } { line from rvec_(m4wd*3/8,0) to rvec_(m4wd*3/16,m4ht*3/16) } { line from rvec_(m4wd*5/8,0) to rvec_(m4wd*13/16,m4ht*3/16) } { line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) to rvec_(m4wd/2,-m4ht/4) } }') `$6'] ') `reed(linespec,wid,ht,box attributes,[R][C]) Enclosed two-terminal reed contact; R=right orientation; C=closed; e.g. reed(,,dimen_/5,shaded "lightgreen"' define(`reed',`eleminit_(`$1') define(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_*0.8',`($2)'))dnl define(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*0.3',`($3)'))dnl define(`m4ng',`ifinstr(`$5',R,-)')dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) {rotbox(m4wd,m4ht,$4,r=m4ht/2)} {line to rvec_(m4wd*0.2,0) then to \ rvec_(m4wd*0.6,m4ng`'ifinstr(`$5',C,lthick,m4ht/3))} line from rvec_(m4wd*0.5,0) to rvec_(m4wd,0) line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis ') `ccoax(at location,M|F,diameter,attributes)' define(`ccoax',`[define(`m4cd',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_*0.4',`$3'))dnl S: circle diam m4cd `$4' C: circle diam m4cd/3 fill_(ifinstr(`$2',F,1,0)) at S `$5'] with .c ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `tconn( linespec, chars|keys, wid) terminal connector with head in a [] block chars: O=node (circle); OF=filled circle > (default) | >> | < | << | A | AA | M A or AA signify arc or double arc M signifies male bar contact arg3 is head width or circle diam keys: type=chars as above; wdth=expr; head width; lgth=expr; type M head length; sep=expr; double head separation head=attributes; except lgth, wdth' define(`tconn', `pushkeys_(`$2', `type:m4typ:N; lgth:m4nl; wdth:dimen_/6; sep:dimen_/8; head::N') ifelse(m4type,m4typ,`poppushdef(`m4type',ifelse(`$2',,>,`$2'))')dnl ifelse(m4lgth,(m4nl),`poppushdef(`m4lgth',ifelse(`$3',,(dimen_/2),`($3)/2'))') eleminit_(`$1',dimen_*3/4) M4Ss: last line.start; M4Se: last line.end ifelse(ifinstr(m4type,0,O,`ifinstr(m4type,OF,O,m4type)'),O, `{popdef(`m4wdth')pushdef(`m4wdth',ifelse(`$3',,dimen_/5,`$3'))dnl line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4wdth [circle diam m4wdth ifinstr(m4type,OF,`fill_(0)') m4head] \ at rvec_(m4wdth/2,0)}', m4type,AA, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4sep+m4wdth [{A: arc from rvec_(0,m4wdth) to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) with .c at Here m4head} arc from rvec_(m4sep,m4wdth) to rvec_(m4sep,-m4wdth) \ with .c at rvec_(m4sep,0) m4head] with .A.c at rvec_(m4wdth,0) }', m4type,A, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4wdth [A:arc from rvec_(0,m4wdth) to rvec_(0,-m4wdth) with .c at Here m4head] \ with .A.c at rvec_(m4wdth,0) }', m4type,<<, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4sep+m4wdth [S: Here; {line from rvec_(m4wdth,m4wdth) to S \ then to rvec_(m4wdth,-m4wdth) m4head}; move to rvec_(m4sep,0) line from rvec_(m4wdth,m4wdth) to Here then to rvec_(m4wdth,-m4wdth) \ m4head ] with .S at Here }', m4type,<, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4wdth [S: Here; line from rvec_(m4wdth,m4wdth) to S \ then to rvec_(m4wdth,-m4wdth) m4head] with .S at Here }', m4type,>>, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4sep [S: Here; {line from rvec_(-m4wdth,m4wdth) to S \ then to rvec_(-m4wdth,-m4wdth) m4head}; move to rvec_(m4sep,0) line from rvec_(-m4wdth,m4wdth) to Here then to rvec_(-m4wdth,-m4wdth) \ m4head ] with .S at Here }', m4type,M, `{line to last line.end chop 0 chop m4lgth [ S: Here; NW: rvec_(0,m4wdth/2); SW: rvec_(0,-m4wdth/2) NE: rvec_(m4lgth,m4wdth/2); SE: rvec_(m4lgth,-m4wdth/2) L: line thick 0 to NW then to NE then to SE then to SW then to Here \ ifelse(m4head,,fill_(0),m4head) ] with .S at Here}', `{line to last line.end [S: Here; line from rvec_(-m4wdth,m4wdth) to S \ then to rvec_(-m4wdth,-m4wdth) m4head ] with .S at Here }') line invis to M4Se popdef(`m4type',`m4lgth',`m4wdth',`m4sep',`m4head') ') `tbox( text,wid,ht,<|>|<>,attributes ) Pointed terminal box. text is placed at centre of rectangle in math mode unless it starts with a double quote or sprintf arg4= > point on right end (default) < point on left end; <> both ends Defaults: wid dimen_*2/3 ht dimen_/3 type= eg dotted outlined "red" eg tbox(`$V_2$', 30pt__, 15pt__,,fill_(0.9) )' define(`tbox',`[ define(`m4td',`ifelse(`$4',,>,`$4')') pushdef(`m4tw2',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_*0.4),`(($2)/2)')')dnl pushdef(`m4th2',`ifelse(`$3',,(dimen_/6),`(($3)/2)')')dnl N: vec_(0,m4th2) NE: N+vec_(m4tw2 ifinstr(m4td,>,-m4th2),0) E: vec_(m4tw2,0) SE: NE+vec_(0,-m4th2*2) NW: N-vec_(m4tw2 ifinstr(m4td,<,-m4th2),0) W: vec_(-m4tw2,0) SW: NW+vec_(0,-m4th2*2) C: 0.5 between SW and NE line from N to NE ifinstr(m4td,>,then to E) then to SE \ then to SW ifinstr(m4td,<,then to W) then to NW then to N `$5' move to C ifelse(`$1',,,`m4lstring(`$1',`"iflatex(`$ `$1'$',` $1')"')') `$6' popdef(`m4th2') popdef(`m4tw2') ]') `pconnex(R|L|U|D|degrees,chars,attributes) arg1: drawing direction chars: R: right orientation M|F: male, female A[B]|AC: 115V 3-prong, B=box (default), C=circle P: PC connector D: 2-pin connector G[B]|GC: 3-pin, B=default, C=circle J: 110V 2-pin ' define(`pconnex', `[ define(`m4sgn',ifinstr(`$2',F,,-))define(`m4R_',ifinstr(`$2',R,-))dnl setdir_(`$1') define(`m4na_',`ifelse(`$2',,A,`$2')')dnl ifinstr(m4na_,A,` Base: ifinstr(m4na_,AC,`circle diam dimen_ `$3'', `[lbox(dimen_,dimen_,`$3') ]') N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.3,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(-dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) gd = dimen_/12 G: [ifelse(ifgpic(T)`'ifinstr(m4na_,F,,T),TT, `circle fill_(m4fill) rad gd at vec_(0,m4R_`'gd/2) box fill_(m4fill) wid 2*gd ht gd at vec_(0,0)', `arc ifinstr(m4na_,R,,c)cw rad gd from vec_(gd,m4R_`'gd/2) \ to vec_(-gd,m4R_`'gd/2) with .c \ at vec_(0,m4R_`'gd/2) ifinstr(m4na_,F,, `ifdef(`r_',`shaded rgbstring(r_,g_,b_)',`fill_(m4fill)')') line from vec_(-gd,m4R_`'gd/2) \ to vec_(-gd,m4R_`'(-gd/2)) \ then to vec_(gd,m4R_`'(-gd/2)) \ then to vec_(gd,m4R_`'gd/2) ifinstr(m4na_,F,, `ifdef(`r_',`shaded rgbstring(r_,g_,b_)',`fill_(m4fill)')')') ] at Base+vec_(0,m4R_`'(-dimen_*0.25))', m4na_,P, `wd = dimen_; hd = wd*3/4 Base: [line to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,-hd*2/3) \ then to vec_(-wd/2+hd/3,-hd) \ then to vec_(wd/2-hd/3,-hd) \ then to vec_(wd/2,-hd*2/3) \ then to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to Here `$3'] N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(-dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(m4sgn`'(dimen_*0.2),m4R_`'dimen_*0.15) G: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.20,m4na_) \ at Base+vec_(0,m4R_`'(-dimen_*0.15))', m4na_,D, `wd = dimen_*1.2; hd = wd/2 Base: [rotbox(wd,hd,,r=hd/2,`$3')] H: m4pcrpin(dimen_/6,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_( (wd-hd)/2,0) N: m4pcrpin(dimen_/6,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_(-(wd-hd)/2,0)', m4na_,G, `wd = dimen_*1.3; hd = dimen_*1.2 Base: ifinstr(m4na_,GC,`circle diam wd', `[line to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(wd/2,-hd*0.3) \ then to vec_(hd*0.15,-hd) \ then to vec_(-hd*0.15,-hd)\ then to vec_(-wd/2,-hd*0.3) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to Here ]') H: m4pconpin(dimen_*0.25,dimen_/8,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_(-dimen_/3,dimen_*0.3) N: m4pconpin(dimen_*0.25,dimen_/8,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_( dimen_/3,dimen_*0.3) G: m4pconpin(dimen_/8,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) \ at Base.c+vec_(0,-dimen_/3)', m4na_,J, `wd = dimen_; hd = wd/2 Base: [line to vec_(wd/2,0) \ then to vec_(wd/2,hd) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,hd) \ then to vec_(-wd/2,0) \ then to Here ] H: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_( wd/4,0) N: m4pconpin(dimen_/12,dimen_*0.25,m4na_) at Base.c+vec_(-wd/4,0) ') `$4' ; resetdir_ ]') define(`m4pconpin',`[ifinstr(`$3',F,`lbox(`$1',`$2')', `m4fshade(m4fill,lbox(`$1',`$2'))')]') define(`m4pcrpin',`[ifinstr(`$2',F,`circle diam `$1'', `m4fshade(m4fill,circle diam `$1')')]') `m4fshade(gray value,closed curve) internal' ifelse(m4picprocessor,gpic, `define`m4fshade',`shade(ifelse(`$1',,0,`$1'),`$2')')', m4postprocessor,xfig, `define(`m4fshade',``$2' fill ifelse(`$1',,0,`$1')')', `define(`m4fshade',``$2' dnl ifdef(`r_',`shaded rgbstring(r_,g_,b_)',`fill ifelse(`$1',,0,`$1')')')') `Header(1|2,rows,wid,ht,type) arg1: number of columns arg2: pins per column arg3,4: custom wid, ht arg5: eg fill_(0.9)' define(`Header', `[define(`m4Hm',`ifelse(`$2',,2,`$2')')define(`m4Hn',`ifelse(`$1',,1,`$1')')dnl define(`m4Hw',`ifelse(`$3',,`m4Hn*L_unit*3',`($3)')')dnl define(`m4Hh',`ifelse(`$4',,`m4Hm*L_unit*3',`($4)')')dnl Block: rotbox(m4Hw,m4Hh,`$5') define(`m4Hct',1)dnl for_(1,m4Hm,1, `HeaderPin(Block.NW+vec_(L_unit*3/2,-(m4x-1/2)*m4Hh/m4Hm), eval(m4Hct-1), P`'m4Hct,w) define(`m4Hct',incr(m4Hct)) ifelse(m4Hn,2,`HeaderPin(Block.NE+vec_(-L_unit*3/2,-(m4x-1/2)*m4Hh/m4Hm), 1, P`'m4Hct,e) define(`m4Hct',incr(m4Hct))') ') `$6' ]') `HeaderPin(location,type,Picname, n|e|s|w,length)' define(`HeaderPin',`define(`m4Hpl',`ifelse(`$5',,`lg_plen*L_unit',`$5')')dnl move to `$1' line to ifelse(`$4',n,`rvec_(0,m4Hpl)', `$4',e,`rvec_(m4Hpl,0)',`$4',s,`rvec_(0,-m4Hpl)',`rvec_(-m4Hpl,0)') ifelse(`$3',,,`$3': Here) ifelse(`$3',,,Pin`$3':) ifelse(`$2',0, `rotbox(L_unit,L_unit,fill_(1))', `circle diam L_unit fill_(1)') at last line.start ') `nport(box specs; other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns, space ratio,pin lgth,style,other commands) Default is a standard-box twoport. Args 2 to 5 are the number of ports to be drawn on w, n, e, s sides. The port pins are named by side, number, and by a or b pin, e.g. W1a, W1b, W2a, ... . Arg 6 specifies the ratio of port width to interport space (default 2), and arg 7 is the pin length. Set arg 8 to N to omit the dots on the port pins. Arguments 1 and 9 allow customizations' define(`nport',`[Box: box `$1' r = ifelse(`$6',,2.0,`$6') plg = ifelse(`$7',,`dimen_/4',`$7') # `West side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$2',,0,`($2)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_ m4portpins(-plg,d*r,d,W,`$8') # `North side' define(`m4n',`($3)') ifelse(`$3',,,`d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_ m4portpins(plg,d*r,d,N,`$8')') # `East side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$4',,0,`($4)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.ne+(0,-d); down_ m4portpins(plg,d*r,d,E,`$8') # `South side' define(`m4n',`($5)') ifelse(`$5',,,`d = Box.wid/(m4n*(r+1)+1) move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_ m4portpins(-plg,d*r,d,S,`$8')') `$9' undefine(`m4n')]') define(`m4portpins',`for_(1,m4n,1, `{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$4'`'m4x`'a: ifelse(xtract(`$5',N),N,Here,`dot') } move to rvec_(`$2',0) { if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$4'`'m4x`'b: ifelse(xtract(`$5',N),N,Here,`dot') } ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`move to rvec_(`$3',0)')')') `gyrator(box specs,space ratio,pin lgth,style) Gyrator two-port wrapper for nport e.g. gyrator(ht boxwid invis,,0,N)' define(`gyrator', `define(`m4dna_',ifelse(xtract(`$4',V)`'xtract(`$4',H),,H`$4',`$4')`')dnl sc_draw(`m4dna_',H, `nport(ifelse(`$1',,wid boxht,`$1'),1,,1,,`$2',`$3',`$4', line from (Box,W1a)+(-Box.wid/2,0) \ left -Box.wid/4 then down W1a.y-W1b.y then right -Box.wid/4 arcd(Box+(-Box.wid/4,0),(W1a.y-W1b.y)/3,-90,-270) line from (Box,W1a)+(Box.wid/2,0) \ left Box.wid/4 then down W1a.y-W1b.y then right Box.wid/4 arcd(Box+(Box.wid/4,0),(W1a.y-W1b.y)/3,90,270) `$5')')dnl sc_draw(`m4dna_',V, `nport(ifelse(`$1',,wid boxht,`$1'),,1,,1,`$2',`$3',`$4', line from (N1a,Box)+(0,-Box.ht/2) \ down -Box.ht/4 then right N1b.x-N1a.x then up -Box.ht/4 arcd(Box+(0,-Box.ht/4),(N1b.x-N1a.x)/3,-90+90,-90+270) line from (N1a,Box)+(0,Box.ht/2) \ down Box.ht/4 then right N1b.x-N1a.x then up Box.ht/4 arcd(Box+(0,Box.ht/4),(N1b.x-N1a.x)/3,90+90,90+270) `$5')') ') `proximity(linespec)' define(`proximity',`consource(`$1',P)') `nullator(linespec, wid, ht, attributes)' define(`nullator',`eleminit_(`$1') pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) { spline ifdpic(0.58) from rvec_(ifdpic(0,-m4wd/20),m4ht/2) \ to rvec_(m4wd/20*3,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/2,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/2,-m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(m4wd/20*3,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/20*3,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,-m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/2,m4ht/4) \ then to rvec_(-m4wd/20*3,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(ifdpic(0,m4wd/20),m4ht/2) `$4' } line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis popdef(`m4wd',`m4ht') ') `norator(linespec, wid, ht, attributes)' define(`norator',`eleminit_(`$1') pushdef(`m4wd',ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)'))dnl pushdef(`m4ht',ifelse(`$3',,`dimen_/4',`($3)'))dnl {line to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2-m4wd/2),0) move to rvec_(m4wd/2,0) for i=-1 to 1 by 2 do { { spline to rvec_(i*m4wd/4,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/2,m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/2,-m4ht/2) \ then to rvec_(i*m4wd/4,-m4ht/2) \ then to Here `$4' } } line from rvec_(m4wd/2,0) \ to rvec_(max(0,rp_len/2),0)} {[box invis ht_ m4ht wid_ m4wd] at rvec_(rp_len/2,0)} line to rvec_(rp_len,0) invis popdef(`m4wd',`m4ht') ') `ACsymbol(at position, len, ht, [n:][A]U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes) Arg4: drawing direction (default: current direction) Arg4 contains A: use arcs instead of sinusoid A convenience for drawing a stack of n 1-cycle sinusoids (default 1) e.g. source; ACsymbol(at last [])' define(`ACsymbol',`[ Origin: Here pushdef(`m4range',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_/3),`($2)')')dnl pushdef(`m4ACd',`patsubst(ifinstr(`$4',:,`patsubst(`$4',.*:)',`$4'),A)')dnl setdir_(ifelse(m4ACd,,`ifdef(`m4a_',rp_ang*rtod_,0)',m4ACd)) Start: rvec_(-m4range/2,0) End: rvec_( m4range/2,0) pushdef(`m4n',`ifinstr(`$4',:,`eval(patsubst(`$4',:.*))',1)')dnl pushdef(`m4amp',`ifelse(`$3',,`m4range/6',`($3)/2')')dnl for_(1,m4n,1,`move to Origin+vec_(0,((m4n+1)/2-m4x)*m4range/3) ifinstr(ifgpic(A,`$4'),A, `{ S`'m4x: [ Origin: Here { arc ccw to rvec_(-m4range/2,0) \ with .c at rvec_(-m4range/4,-max(m4range/4-m4amp,0)) } { arc ccw to rvec_( m4range/2,0) \ with .c at rvec_( m4range/4, max(m4range/4-m4amp,0)) }] dnl with .Origin at Here }', `{ S`'m4x: sinusoid(m4amp,twopi_/m4range,pi_/2, -m4range/2,m4range/2,`$5') with .Origin at Here } ')') `$6'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4amp',`m4n',`m4ACd',`m4range')] dnl with .Origin ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `Deltasymbol(at position, keys, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes) keys: size=expr; type=C|O (default C for Closed, O means open); Arg3: drawing direction (default: Up) An O (not 0) in arg3 draws an open symbol' define(`Deltasymbol',`[ sq3 = sqrt(3) pushkeys_(`$2',size:dimen_/10; type:C:N )dnl setdir_(`$3',U) ifinstr(m4type,C, `line `$4' from vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,0)) to \ vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,1)) then to Here \ then to vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,-1)) \ then to vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,0))', `line `$4' from vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3/2,-1/2)) \ to vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,-1)) \ then to vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3,1)) \ then to vec_(vscal_(m4size,-sq3/2,1/2)) ') C: vec_(vscal_(m4size,-(sq3+1/sq3)/2,0)); N: C `$4'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4size',`m4type') ] ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `Ysymbol(at position, keys, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes) keys: size=expr; type=G[L] (grounded, L puts the ground on the left); Arg3: drawing direction (default: Up)' define(`Ysymbol',`[ sq3 = sqrt(3) pushkeys_(`$2',`size:dimen_/10:; type::N')dnl setdir_(`$3',U) C: Here; N: C line from vec_(vscal_(m4size,-2/sq3,0)) to C { line `$4' from vec_(vscal_(m4size,1/sq3,1)) to C \ then to vec_(vscal_(m4size,1/sq3,-1)) } ifelse(m4type,,,`line `$4' ifinstr(m4type,L,left_,right_) m4size*3/2 corner(,`$4'); pushdef(`dimen_',m4size*4) ground popdef(`dimen_') ') `$5'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4size',`m4type') ] ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `Wyesymbol(at position, keys, U|D|L|R|degrees) Synonym for Ysymbol' define(`Wyesymbol',`Ysymbol($@)') `DCsymbol(at position, len, ht, U|D|L|R|degrees, attributes) Arg4: drawing direction (default: current direction)' define(`DCsymbol',`[ pushdef(`m4wid',`ifelse(`$2',,(dimen_/3),`($2)')')dnl pushdef(`m4ht',`ifelse(`$3',,`(m4wid/5)',`($3)')') setdir_(ifelse(`$4',,`ifdef(`m4a_',rp_ang*rtod_,0)',`$4')) Origin: rvec_(m4wid/2, m4ht/2) {line `$5' to rvec_(m4wid,0)} dashline(from rvec_(0, m4ht) to rvec_(m4wid, m4ht),`$5',m4wid/4,m4wid/8) `$6'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4ht',`m4wid') ] \ with .Origin ifelse(`$1',,`at Here',`$1')') `n-terminal box nterm(box specs; other commands, nw,nn,ne,ns, pin lgth,style,other commands) The default is three-terminal. Args 2 to 5 are the number of pins to be drawn on W, N, E, S sides. The pins are named by side and number, e.g. W1, W2, N1, ... Arg 6 is the pin length. Set arg 7 to N to omit the dots on the pins. Arguments 1 and 8 allow customizations, e.g. nterm(,,,,,,N, "$a$" at Box.w ljust "$b$" at Box.e rjust "$c$" at Box.s above) ' define(`nterm',`[Box: box ifelse(`$1',,wid dimen_ ht dimen_*2/3,`$1') plg = ifelse(`$6',,`dimen_/4',`$6') # `West side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$2',,0,`($2)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n+1) move to Box.nw+(0,-d); down_ m4termpins(-plg,d,W,`$7') # `North side' define(`m4n',`($3)') ifelse(`$3',,, `d = Box.wid/(m4n+1) move to Box.nw+(d,0); right_ m4termpins(plg,d,N,`$7')') # `East side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$4',,0,`($4)')') d = Box.ht/(m4n+1) move to Box.ne+(0,-d); down_ m4termpins(plg,d,E,`$7') # `South side' define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2'`$3'`$4'`$5',,1,`$5',,0,`($5)')') d = Box.wid/(m4n+1) move to Box.sw+(d,0); right_ m4termpins(-plg,d,S,`$7') `$8' undefine(`m4n')]') define(`m4termpins',`for_(1,m4n,1, `{ if (`$1' != 0) then { line to rvec_(0,`$1') } `$3'`'m4x: ifelse(xtract(`$4',N),N,Here,`dot') } ifelse(m4x,m4n,,`move to rvec_(`$2',0)')')') `speaker(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, type, attributes) type=H horn' define(`speaker',`[setdir_($1,R) pushdef(`m4v',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/3',`($2)/4')')dnl pushdef(`m4h',`m4v*sqrt(2)')dnl ifelse(`$3',H, `{H1: line from rvec_(m4h,m4v/2) \ to rvec_(m4h*3/2,m4v*7/8) \ then to rvec_(m4h*3/2,-m4v*7/8) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v/2) `$4'}', `{H1: line from rvec_(m4h,m4v) \ to rvec_(m4h*2,m4v*2) \ then to rvec_(m4h*2,-m4v*2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4v) `$4'}') {lbox(m4h,m4v*2,`$4')} {Box: box invis ht_ m4v*2 wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} In1: rvec_(0,m4v/2) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4v/2) In4: rvec_(m4h/4,m4v) In5: rvec_(m4h*3/4,m4v) In6: rvec_(m4h/4,-m4v) In7: rvec_(m4h*3/4,-m4v) `$5'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4v',`m4h') ]') `bell(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, attributes)' define(`bell',`[setdir_($1,R) pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {lbox(m4h,m4h,`$3')} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} {Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h*3/2,0) `$3'} In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4) `$4'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]') `microphone(A|U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size, attributes) Arg1= A, upright mic Thanks to Arnold Knott' define(`microphone',`ifinstr(`$1',A, `[ pushdef(`m4sfact',`(ifelse(`$2',,dimen_,(`$2'))*8/5)') circlerad = m4sfact/1000 cspace = m4sfact/100 bwd = m4sfact/10 bht = m4sfact/4+bwd Stand: line up m4sfact/5 { arc from Here+(-bwd,bwd) to Here+(bwd,bwd) with .c at Here+(0,bwd) line up m4sfact/4-bwd from last arc.start line up m4sfact/4-bwd from last arc.end } Head: box rad bwd/2 ht bht wid bwd with .s at Here+(0,bwd/2) `$3' Inner: box rad bwd/2 ht bht/2+bwd/2 wid bwd with .n at Head.n move to Inner.s+(0,bwd/2) for i=1 to 4 do { for j=-1 to 1 do { { circle at Here+(3*j*cspace,(abs(j)-3)*cspace) } if j != 0 then {{ circle at Here+(j*3/2*cspace,0) }} } move up 5*cspace }; popdef(`m4sfact')]', `[setdir_($1,R) pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {L1: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)} {Circle: circle diameter m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0) `$3'} In1: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(m4h*(2-sqrt(3))/4,-m4h/4) `$4'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]')') `buzzer(U|D|L|R|degrees, vert size,[C], attributes)' define(`buzzer',`[setdir_($1,R) ifelse(`$3',, `pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_/2',`($2)')')dnl {L1: line from rvec_(m4h,0) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(0,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,-m4h/2) \ then to rvec_(m4h,0) `$4'} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h wid_ m4h at rvec_(m4h/2,0)} {L2: line from rvec_(m4h,m4h/2) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h/2)+vec_(Rect_(m4h,-75))} In1: rvec_(0,m4h/4) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/4) popdef(`m4h')', `$3',C,`pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`(dimen_/3)',`(($2)/2)')')dnl {Face: line from rvec_(m4h,-m4h) \ to rvec_(m4h,m4h)} {arc ccw from Face.end to Face.start with .c at Face.c `$4'} In1: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),m4h/3) In2: Here In3: rvec_(m4h-sqrt(m4h^2-(m4h/3)^2),-m4h/3) popdef(`m4h') ') `$5'; resetdir_ ]') `earphone(U|D|L|R|degrees, size, [C][R], attributes) earphone pair if arg3 contains C' define(`earphone',`[ setdir_($1,R) pushdef(`m4h',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`($2)')')dnl ifinstr(`$3',C, `L: circle diam m4h*0.4 `$4' R: circle diam m4h*0.4 at L+vec_(m4h,0) `$4' C: 0.5 between L and R N: C+(vscal_(m4h/2,Vperp(L,R))) Lx: Cintersect(L,L.rad,C,m4h/2,`$3') Rx: Cintersect(C,m4h/2,R,R.rad,`$3') arc ifinstr(`$3',R,c)cw rad m4h/2 from Lx to Rx with .c at C', `{lbox(m4h/3,m4h/2,`$4')} {Box: box invis ht_ m4h/2 wid_ m4h/3 at rvec_(m4h/6,0)} {L1: line thick 2*linethick from rvec_(m4h/3+linethick pt__,-m4h/3) \ to rvec_(m4h/3+linethick pt__, m4h/3) } In1: rvec_(0,m4h/8) In2: Here In3: rvec_(0,-m4h/8)') `$5'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4h') ]') `Signal-flow graph macros: labeled node, directed labeled chopped straight line, directed labeled chopped arc, and a self loop. All are contained in [] blocks.' `Signal-flow graph initialization macro sfg_init(line len, node rad, arrowhd len, arrowhd wid)' ifdef(`sfg_init',, `define(`sfg_init',`cct_init sfg_wid = ifelse(`$1',,`(linewid/0.75*(2.5+0.25)/4)',(`$1'))# default line len sfg_rad = ifelse(`$2',,(0.25/4/2),(`$2')) # node radius sfg_aht = ifelse(`$3',,(0.25/4),(`$3')) # arrow height (arrowhead length) sfg_awid = ifelse(`$4',,`sfg_aht',(`$4')) # arrowhead width ')') `sfgline(linespec, text,sfgabove|sfgbelow|ljust|rjust, attributes) Draw a straight line with linespec, chopped by node radius, with optional label' define(`sfgline',`eleminit_(`$1',sfg_wid) [ L1: line to rvec_(rp_len,0) chop sfg_rad `$4' Start: last line.start End: Here move to last line.c ifelse(ifinstr(`$4',->,T,`$4',<-,T),, `{ arrow m4c_l ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid from rvec_(-sfg_aht/2,0) \ to rvec_(sfg_aht/2,0) `$4' }') ifelse(`$2',,,`m4lstring(`$2',"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')") \ ifelse(`$3',,`sfgabove',`$3')') ] with .Start at rvec_(sfg_rad,0) move to last [].End ') `Like above_ or below_ but adding extra space to put text above or below arrowheads or nodes' define(`sfgabove',`at Here+(0,sfg_awid/2) above') define(`sfgbelow',`at Here+(0,-sfg_awid/2) below') `sfgnode(at pos,text,above_,circle attributes) Node: a white circle, possibly labelled. The default label position is inside if the diameter is bigger than textht and textwid' define(`sfgnode', `[C: circle fill_(1) rad sfg_rad ifelse(`$4',,`thick 0.5',`$4')] with .c \ ifelse(`$1',,`at rvec_(sfg_rad,0)',`$1') move to last [].c ifelse(`$2',,,`if 2*sfg_rad > Max(textwid,textht,10pt__) \ then { {m4lstring(`$2',`"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')"') `$3'} } \ else { { m4lstring(`$2',`"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')"') \ ifelse(`$3',,`sfgabove',`$3')} }') ') `sfgarc(linespec,label,above_,cw|ccw,sfact, attributes) An arc between nodes at the endpoints of the linespec. The resulting positions Start, End, C (arc center) and M (arc midpoint) are defined. The fifth argument scales the arc height above its chord.' define(`sfgarc',`eleminit_(`$1',sfg_wid) [ Start: Here End: Start + vec_(rp_len,0) chordht = (rp_len/sqrt(2)-rp_len/2)ifelse(`$5',,,`*($5)') arcrd = (chordht^2+(rp_len)^2/4)/chordht/2 C: 0.5 between Start and End; C: C+vec_(0,ifelse(`$4',ccw,,-)(arcrd-chordht)) M: C + vec_( 0,ifelse(`$4',ccw,-)arcrd) ifelse(ifinstr(`$1',->,T,`$1',<-,T),, `arc `$6' -> m4c_l ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw) \ from Cintersect(Start,sfg_rad,C,arcrd,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,M,sfg_aht/2,ifelse(`$4',ccw,,R)) \ ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid with .c at C `$6' arc m4c_l ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw) from M \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,End,sfg_rad,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) with .c at C `$6'', `arc m4c_l patsubst(patsubst(`$1',.*<-,<-),->.*$,->) ifelse(`$4',ccw,ccw,cw)\ from Cintersect(Start,sfg_rad,C,arcrd,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) \ to Cintersect(C,arcrd,End,sfg_rad,ifelse(`$4',ccw,R)) with .c at C `$6'') ifelse(`$2',,,`move to M; m4lstring(`$2',"iflatex(`$ `$2'$',` $2')") \ ifelse(`$3',,`sfgabove',`$3')') ] with .Start at last line.start move to last line.end ') `sfgself(at position,U|D|L|R|degrees,label,above_,cw|ccw,sfact, [-> | <- | <->], attributes) A teardrop-shaped self-loop drawn at "angle" degrees from "positon". The resulting Origin and M (arc midpoint) are defined. The sixth argument scales the loop. The seventh puts the arrowhead at the beginning, end, or both' define(`sfgself',`[ Origin: Here setdir_(`$2',U) d = ifelse(`$6',,,`($6)*') sfg_wid/2; d = d * max(1,sfg_rad/(0.3605*d)) { m4sfgselfcurve(-, `$8' \ ifelse(`$5',ccw,`ifinstr(`$7',<-,<-)',`ifinstr(`$7',->,<-)')) M: Here ifelse(`$7',,`{ arrow `$8' m4c_l from rvec_(0,ifelse(`$5',cw,,-)sfg_aht/2) \ to rvec_(0,ifelse(`$5',cw,-)sfg_aht/2) ht sfg_aht wid sfg_awid }') ifelse(`$3',,,`{m4lstring(`$3',`"iflatex(`$ `$3'$',` $3')"') \ ifelse(`$4',,`sfgabove',`$4')}') } m4sfgselfcurve(, `$8' \ ifelse(`$5',ccw,`ifinstr(`$7',->,<-)',`ifinstr(`$7',<-,<-)')) resetdir_ ] with .Origin ifelse(`$1',,at Here,`$1') move to last [].Origin ') define(`m4sfgselfcurve',`spline `$2' m4c_l from rvec_(Rect_(sfg_rad,`$1'30)) \ to rvec_(0.3*d,`$1'0.2*d) \ then to rvec_(0.6*d,`$1'0.35*d) \ then to rvec_(0.9*d,`$1'0.35*d) \ then to rvec_(d,`$1'0.2*d) \ then to rvec_(d,0)') `winding(L|R,diam, pitch, nturns, core wid, core color ) The complete spline is drawn, then parts of it are overwritten with the background color (default white). Arg 1 contains R for right-handed winding. Arg 4 must be an integer. Arg 6 must be compatible with the postprocessor.' define(`winding',`[ define(`m4rt',`ifinstr(`$1',R,-)') d = ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2') p = ifelse(`$3',,d/4,`$3') define(`m4n0',`ifelse(`$4',,1,`eval(`$4'-1)')')dnl w = ifelse(`$5',,d*3/4,`$5') W: spline from (0,0) to (0,0) dnl for_(0,m4n0,1, `then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p),d) \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p/2),d) \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p/2),0)`'ifelse(m4x,m4n0,,` \ then to vec_(m4rt`'(m4x*p+p),0) \')') if w > 0 then { dx = sign(p)*(linethick+0.5)/2 bp__ vx = p*min(w/d/8+dx/p,0.25) for i=0 to m4n0 do { line color ifelse(`$6',,rgbstring(1,1,1),m4lstring(`$6',"`$6'")) \ thick max(w/(1bp__)-linethick,0) \ from vec_(m4rt`'(i*p-dx),d/2) \ to vec_(m4rt`'(i*p+vx),d/2) dx = vx } } T1: W.ifinstr(`$1',R,end,start) T2: W.ifinstr(`$1',R,start,end) `$7']') `tstrip(U|D|L|R|degrees, n, chars) Terminal strip n=integer number of terminals (default 4) chars: I invisible terminals C circle terminals (default) D dot terminals O omitted internal lines box=attributes; wid=val; total strip width ht=val; strip height ' define(`tstrip',`[ setdir_(`$1') define(`m4n',`ifelse(`$2',,4,`eval($2)')')dnl ifelse(eval(m4n<1),1,`define(`m4n',1)')dnl pushkeys_(`$3',`ht:dimen_/2; wid:m4n*m4`'ht*0.6; box::N;') {Box: [shade(1,lbox(m4wid,m4ht,m4box))] } bw = m4wid/(m4n) ifinstr(`$3',O,,`for i=1 to m4n-1 do { {move to rvec_(i*bw,-m4ht/2); line to rvec_(0,m4ht)}}') for_(1,m4n,1,`{T`'m4x: ifinstr(`$3',I,`rvec_((m4x-0.5)*bw,0)', `dot(at rvec_((m4x-0.5)*bw,0),,ifinstr(`$3',D,0,1))') {L`'m4x: T`'m4x+vec_(0,m4ht/2)}; {R`'m4x: T`'m4x+vec_(0,-m4ht/2)} }') `$4' popdef(`m4wid',`m4ht',`m4box') resetdir_ ]') `jack(U|D|L|R|degrees, chars [;keys]) Phone jack; arg1 sets drawing direction chars: A sequence of letters L, S, C, each possibly followed by M, B, MB, or BM, e.g. LLMSBM L draws a long contac arm, M adds a Make contact, B a Break contact, and MB or BM adds both S similarly draws a short contact C adds a central medium contact also: X=bring aux contacts to external dots R=right jack orientation wrt to drawing direction keys: dots=dot keys; (default circle=fill_(1)) arrowht=expr; (dimen_/8) sleeve=attributes; e.g. shaded "red" sleeveht=expr; (4.5*arrowht) sleevewid=expr; (sleeveht/6) armlen=expr; len of long armature (dimen_*.75) ' define(`jack',`[ setdir_(`$1') pushkeys_(`$2',`dots:circle=fill_(1):N; arm::N; armlen:dimen_*0.75; arrowht:dimen_/8; sleeve::N; sleeveht:m4`'arrowht*4.5; sleevewid:m4`'sleeveht/6; ')dnl pushdef(`dna_',`$2') pushdef(`rght',sc_draw(`dna_',R,-)1)dnl pushdef(`m4extrn',sc_draw(`dna_',X,X)) pushdef(`m4vd',`dimen_/16')dnl ifelse(dna_,,`define(`dna_',L)') Sleeve: [lbox(m4sleevewid,m4sleeveht,m4sleeve)] F: Sleeve+vec_(m4sleevewid/2,0) Ctr: (2 between F and Sleeve)+vec_(-(m4armlen+m4vd), 0); G: Sleeve+vec_(0,-m4sleeveht/2*(rght)); Sx: G+(Ctr-Sleeve) H: 2 between G and Sleeve; Lx: H+(Ctr-Sleeve) Q: Ctr; m4jcontacts(dna_,L,rght,,m4armlen) Q: Ctr; m4jcontacts(dna_,C,rght,,m4armlen) Q: Ctr; m4jcontacts(dna_,S,neg_(rght),,m4armlen) ifelse(m4extrn,X,`ifelse(rght,-1, `T: Sleeve + (Lx-Ctr)+((Between_(G,H,dimen_/6))-G) line from H to T then to T+(Ctr-Sleeve); H: dot(,m4dots); ', `T: Sleeve + (Sx-Ctr)+((Between_(H,G,dimen_/6))-H) line from G to T then to T+(Ctr-Sleeve); G: dot(,m4dots); ')') `$3'; resetdir_ popdef(`m4dots',`m4arm', `m4armlen', `m4arrowht', `m4sleeve', `m4sleeveht', `m4sleevewid',`dna_', `rght', `m4extrn', `m4vd') ] ') `m4jcontacts(dna_, L|S|C, 1|-1, blank|n, armlen)' define(`m4jcontacts',`ifinstr(`$1',`$2', `pushdef(`dna_',$1) pushdef(`m4code',regexp(dna_,$2\(M\|B\|MB\|BM\)?,\&))dnl sc_draw(`dna_',m4code, `pushdef(`armln',`ifelse(`$2',S,0.55/0.75*,`$2',C,0.65/0.75*)'`$5')dnl pushdef(`connht',`ifelse($4,,3,ifelse(m4code,$2`'B,4.5,3))')dnl $2`'x: Q ifelse(`$2',C,, `+vec_(0,$3*ifelse(`$4',,m4sleeveht/2,connht*m4arrowht)); Q: $2`'x') $2`'$4: dot(at Q,m4dots) Armature: line chop last [].wid/2 chop 0 to rvec_(armln-2*m4vd,0) dnl ifelse($4,,`then to rvec_(armln-m4vd,neg_(`$3')*m4vd) \ then to rvec_(armln,0)') Contact: Q+vec_(m4arrowht*2,0) ifelse($4,,,`Connector: [lbox(m4vd,connht*m4arrowht,m4sleeve)] \ at last []+vec_(armln-3*m4vd,neg_(`$3')*connht*m4arrowht/2)') ifinstr(m4code,M,`$2`'M`'$4: Contact+vec_(0,`$3'*m4arrowht*1.9) $2`'M`'$4`'A: arrow m4c_l <- ht m4arrowht wid m4arrowht \ from Contact+vec_(0,`$3'*m4arrowht*0.4) \ to $2`'M`'$4 ifelse(m4extrn,X,`then to $2`'$4+vec_(0,`$3'*m4arrowht*1.9) $2`'M`'$4: dot(,m4dots)'); $2`'x: $2`'M`'$4') ifinstr(m4code,B,`$2`'B`'$4: Contact+vec_(0,neg_(`$3')*m4arrowht*1.5) $2`'B`'$4`'A: arrow m4c_l <- ht m4arrowht wid m4arrowht from Contact \ to $2`'B`'$4 dnl ifelse(m4extrn,X,`then to $2`'$4+vec_(0,neg_(`$3')*m4arrowht*1.5) $2`'B`'$4:dot(,m4dots)')') m4jcontacts(dna_,$2,$3,ifelse($4,,1,`incr($4)'),`$5') popdef(`armln',`connht')') popdef(`m4code',`dna_')')') `plug(U|D|L|R|degrees, chars) Phone plug; arg1 sets drawing direction chars: 2|3= two|three conductor R= right orientation wrt drawing direction ' define(`plug',`[ setdir_(`$1') s=ifinstr(`$2',R,-1,1) ght = ifinstr(`$2',3,`dimen_*0.5',`dimen_*0.4') A: Here AA: line to rvec_(dimen_*0.3,0) \ then to rvec_(dimen_*0.3,s*ght/3) \ then to rvec_(dimen_*0.7,s*ght/3); TA: dot(,,1) ifinstr(`$2',3,` C: A+vec_(0,s*ght/2) TC: line from C to C+vec_(dimen_*0.6,0); TC: Here B: 2 between A and C',`B: A+vec_(0,s*ght)') BB: line from B to B+vec_(dimen_*0.3,0) \ then to B+vec_(dimen_*0.3,-s*ght/3) \ then to B+vec_(dimen_*0.6,-s*ght/3); TB: Here `$3'; resetdir_ ]') `A dabble in quantum circuits: SQUID(n,diameter,initial angle,cw|ccw) Superconducting quantum interface device with n junctions labeled J1, ... Jn placed around a circle with initial angle -90 deg (by default) with respect to the current drawing direction. The default diameter is dimen_' define(`SQUID', `[ pushdef(`m4sqn',`ifelse(`$1',,2,`$1')')dnl pushdef(`m4ssz',`ifelse(`$2',,`dimen_',`$2')')dnl pushdef(`m4sof',`ifelse(`$3',,-90,`$3')')dnl pushdef(`m4ssg',`ifelse(`$4',,+,`$4',ccw,+,-)(m4x-1)/(m4sqn)*360')dnl pushdef(`m4sxlen',C.rad/4)dnl C: circle diam m4ssz for_(1,m4sqn,1, `move to C+vec_(Rect_(C.rad,m4sof`'m4ssg)) J`'m4x: Here { line from rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg+45)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg+225)) } { line from rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-45)) \ to rvec_(Rect_(m4sxlen,m4sof`'m4ssg-225)) }') `$5' popdef(`m4sqn',`m4ssz',`m4sof',`m4ssg',`m4sxlen') ]') `============================================================================== Customizations: The size and style parameters below can be tweaked, and the cct_init macro modified.' Size and style parameters: define(`dimen_',`linewid') `Default element body size unit' define(`sourcerad_',`(0.25*dimen_)') `Source element default radius' define(`csdim_',`(0.3*dimen_)') `Controlled Source width/2' define(`elen_',`(1.5*dimen_)') `Default element length' define(`delay_rad_',`(0.35*dimen_)') `Delay elements' define(`dotrad_',`(0.04*dimen_)') `Redefine dot size for circuits' define(`m4fill',0) `Default fill for diode, fuse, ...' define(`em_arrowwid',`(dimen_/9)') `em_arrows arrowhead width' define(`em_arrowht',`(dimen_/7)') `em_arrows arrowhead ht' define(`em_arrowhead',1) `em_arrows arrowhead style' define(`hoprad_',`dimen_/12') `arc radius for crossover macro' right_ divert(0)dnl