divert(-1) pstricks.m4 Initialization for PSTricks. * Circuit_macros Version 10.7, copyright (c) 2024 J. D. Aplevich under * * the LaTeX Project Public Licence in file Licence.txt. The files of * * this distribution may be redistributed or modified provided that this * * copyright notice is included and provided that modifications are clearly * * marked to distinguish them from this distribution. There is no warranty * * whatsoever for these files. * define(`m4picprocessor',dpic) define(`m4postprocessor',pstricks) ifdef(`libgen_',,`include(libgen.m4)divert(-1)')dnl define(`thinlines_',`linethick = 0.4 arrowwid = 0.04*scale; arrowht = 0.2/3*scale command "\psset{linewidth=0.4pt}%";') define(`thicklines_',`linethick = 0.8 arrowwid = 0.05*scale; arrowht = 0.1*scale command "\psset{linewidth=0.8pt}%";') `linethick_(x) Set line width to x pt and default arrowhead parameters' define(`linethick_',`linethick = ifelse(`$1',,`0.8',`$1'); dnl arrowwid = ifelse(`$1',,`0.05',linethick/16)*scale; dnl arrowht = ifelse(`$1',,`0.1',linethick/8)*scale;') `Patch PSTricks to use all coordinate pairs inside \pscustom Older version for PSTricks prior to Aug 2010:' define(`M4PatchPSTricks', `command "\makeatletter\@ifundefined{ifPst@noCurrentPoint}% {\@ifundefined{MPS@Patch}{\gdef\MPS@Patch{}% \typeout{ Dpic -p: patching psbezier in pstricks.tex (some versions) }% \def\psbezier@ii{\addto@pscode{% \ifshowpoints true \else false \fi\tx@OpenBezier% \ifshowpoints\tx@BezierShowPoints\fi}\end@OpenObj}}{}}% {\@ifundefined{MPS@PatchMsg}{\gdef\MPS@PatchMsg{}% \typeout{ Dpic -p: Setting noCurrentPoint to use all coord pairs }}{}% \psset{noCurrentPoint}}\makeatother%"') `For PSTricks since Aug 2010:' define(`M4PatchPSTricks',`command "\psset{noCurrentPoint}%"') divert(0)dnl